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Bartholin's abscess miracle
ahlamie01 Views: 14,235
Published: 11 y

Bartholin's abscess miracle

First and foremost I want to thank a poster on here named Phoebe from several years back. I thank her because this morning, after suffering for a week with this Bartholin's flare up abscess that resurfaced after 20 years from the first onset, I mixed up her concoction and viola! worked like a miracle.

What's the concoction I speak of??

Well, if you have an infected Bartholin's gland, you probably have a ball on the side of your vaginal opening and it's either painful or irritating as all heck! This gland is always present but is supposed to just filter fluids and keep the vagajay lubed up.

If the duct blocks it gets infected and creates a boil or abscess. When this know! You may not know what the heck it is but it's unpleasant to say the least. You do not need to go to the doctor unless you just can't stand the pain any longer.

But I would recommend you try this first and keep a positive attitude while you are doing it (this will be challenging to say the least!).

Go to the store and spend $20 by purchasing a bottle of tea tree oil, bottle of witch hazel and a bottle of calamine lotion. Mix 1 fluid ounce of the calamine, and 1 teaspoon each of tea tree oil and witch hazel. Mix it up good. Best and easiest way to apply this to the boil is by soaking it on a pad or soaking it up with a few cotton balls and shoving it in the opening. You should have a pad anyways because the bursting is spontaneous and disgusting. I literally used this this morning at 6am and driving into work this afternoon at 4pm (yes, as I was literally driving and cussing out the sun, moon and stars from the burst!)

So I work nights and before I went to bed I soaked cotton balls, shoved it in and went to bed. Slept about 5 hours with this in and when I woke up it hurt like a mofo. It was larger and hard and really stupid. I didn't think it worked at all and I was ready to take a knife or needle to it and get it over with myself. Didn't even have to go there. It literally took about 9 hours for it to just tell me it's given up and burst on it's own. It was so nasty but so well worth the $20 and the coming to a head, pain then instant relief. I love you Phoebe whoever you are!! So I would tell you ladies to just go for it. Forget the doctor's office and the surgery and the loopings and garbage. Go natural! Homeopathic all the way!! Live long and prosper ladies!

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