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parasites attack nerves while herbal cleanse
Buddhablessd Views: 1,492
Published: 12 y

parasites attack nerves while herbal cleanse


It seems everytime I am cleansing, using fern root and coconut, hyssop, etc. and semi-fasting. Right after I take the herbs, my right leg, behind my r.kidney, r.side of upper body,etc. seems to be pulling, like parasites,( which I have seen come out at times, thin black ones, and white ones in enema's) Attack while leaving the stomach. Of course all the labs, bloodwork and ct scans, stool tests,etc. come out negative. So rediculous. I feel them moving, they attack my eyes and head, and respond to cloves, Wormwood , walnut tincture,etc.

Anyway, does anyone know which parasite, I am guessing Tapeworm larvae. attack the nerves?


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