Hi there. I know this post is 6 years old and I read trough your experiment with the dye. You claim the dye somehow got to your stones and gave them the red colour.
Would it be possible for the stones to get dyed while they were travelling down your small and big intestines after they got expelled from the liver? Wouldn't the stones have a more uniform colour if they were formed during the night?
Are you 100% sure that the stones were formed during the night. Why do some people on the internet claim that no more stones are flushed out after many flushes meaning that no stones have been formed during the night?
Sorry but I havn't read all the threads yet on this post yet and there might be some more explanations out there, but was just checking to see if the statement you made about stones formed during the night is actually true. Shouldn't there be more experiments to proof this statement as true and correct.