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Re: Protocol Gotcha's/Guidance

Dr. Clark Shop
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Dr. Clark Shop
Hulda Clark Cleanses

wrless1 Views: 4,808
Published: 13 y
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Re: Protocol Gotcha's/Guidance

Hi, I am pulsing for the recommended 2 hours a day, except for when I just can't stand the internal movement any more and then I will do another 20 mins. or so just to calm the beasties.

I just bought another pulser that arrived today. I've been thinking I need to pulse during the night but I can't because my husband thinks I'm a "kook" and we share a bed and I don't want him to know what I'm doing. Just an FYI, I do feel there is a moral obligation to share with my partner what is going on in my body, so I told him I have parasites, I took a stool sample with a worm to my doctor, plus dried parasites that have exited via my skin, and the doctor says I have a syndrome where I believe that I have parasites but I don't, and it is not possible for parasites to exit the skin. So I'm done with trying to convince anyone in my life what is going on with me.

The new pulser is called the Basic Zapper and is endorsed apparently by a Don Croft. It was around $35. it is a different frequency and less powerful than the Sota, but I'm dealing with 30 years of entrenched parasites and 40 yrs. of Lyme so want to go beyond the 2 hours a day of Sota, and do need something portable, so this is perfect. I've been wearing it for a few hours and it does work, I can feel the parasites reacting, although I'm getting a slight headache from it.

The Sota device will intensify the effect of meds and supplements. I don't know if you can't take meds. I only take fish oil and Vit. D right now and am continuing to take those. If you need your meds you should take them but I don't know about the timing. Honestly I wouldn't worry about it right now. You have so many health issues it would probably be worth it to start somewhere and gauge how you feel after a few days. Just start slow and work your way up to 2 hours.

I have been using the Sota for 6 weeks now which the manufacturer said was the recommended time for parasites, but mine are so entrenched I might be 3 mos. clearing these. Its hard because they are starting to exit on more places on my body, so that means more rashes, and I'm kind of sick of all this but I want them out so will stay the course. In spite of all the grossness of dealing with parasites I do feel better. I had actually completely forgotten what feeling ok felt like - its nice! It is not my state of being yet but there are hours every day where I have some energy and can accomplish some tasks. I remember things now. I can figure things out and problem solve. I am indeed hopeful now and sometimes feel very happy! I can't wait to be well full time!


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