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Re: Protocol Gotcha's/Guidance
RenewedHealth Views: 4,873
Published: 13 y
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Re: Protocol Gotcha's/Guidance

Thank you so much for sharing your experience. Do you mind if I ask you how long you pulse each day?

My diet is about as clean as you can get, so I've got that down pat. It's very restricted and very clean.

You mention taking supplements? I have not found supplementation as a part of the Bob Beck Protocol mentioned anywhere. I thought you weren't supposed to take supplements or medications during the protocol.

I have medications that I absolutely can not stop taking... so this is where I am trying to discern whether or not to do the protocol. Some say to take the med directly after pulsing. Others say don't take meds at all if doing the protocol. I don't understand, how long does it take for the cells to close (not take in 30x the efficacy of a med) after pulsing?

It is very encouraging to hear that you are improving so significantly! Again, thank you for sharing.


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