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Protocol Gotcha's/Guidance
RenewedHealth Views: 6,021
Published: 13 y

Protocol Gotcha's/Guidance

I'm new to all of this. Dealing with chronic fatigue, parasites (worms that I know of, I'm sure there are more), chronic candida infection, high viral loads of Epstein Barr and Cytomegalovirus. Also have HSV. Digestive issues, multiple food allergies , etc. My immune system is depressed and the doctor's say they can do nothing for me except treat symptoms. I live in a house with mold, which I think is wreaking havoc on my body. The mold has been removed but it's still floating in the air. I will be out of this place come October. I've been diagnosed with CFS, Fibromyalgia, Narcolepsy, Sleep Apnea and have all the symptoms to go with (currently have, or have had). I have a VERY clean diet. No Sugar what-so-ever. Mostly raw. Everything made from fresh, organic whole foods. I do not eat packaged foods; not even condiments. I make everything from scratch. I consume lots of greens. Juice greens daily (I do add an apple but lately feel like I need to cut that out because the candida seems to be getting worse). Just ordered a rebounder for exercise. I've come a looong way since last year, when I could hardly function at all.

This experience has taken it's toll on me. I am not married. I have lost my job of 14 years due to this illness, and I will be losing my house soon also. I have had no income since September of last year. I do see a bio-feedack specialist who helps me with homeopathic remedies, but my body can't seem to get a grip on the virus', and I believe the candida is there as a protection mechanism.

I've had Amalgams removed, but I do still have two root canals. I know they are bad but I don't know what's the 'replacement therapy' for them. I also do liver flushes, consume lemon water daily first thing in the morning, have done bowel cleansing/colonics, but have not taken cleansing beyond that. Oh, and I do ionic foot baths weekly, which help a lot.

I want to do the Beck Protocol, but I have been scared to try it. So my concern is to start with the silver pulser and the magnetic pulser. I'm just not sure of what all the precautions are and was hoping somebody here could guide me or coach me. I don't understand about it opening the cells to receive 30x (or something like that) the 'dosage' of anything in your blood stream? Yet there is a time-frame involved in that because it says to take any meds immediately after using the silver pulser. So does that mean the cells are only opened up to receive 30x ONLY DURING USING THE SILVER PULSER? And they close back up again immediately after using the silver pulser? So it would probably be a good idea to *not* juice greens, then, correct? Or to juice greens immediately after you get done using the silver pulser, so it will be out of your blood stream by the next time you pulse, right? Same for medications?

And then, for the magnetic pulser, is it possible that the bacteria that thrive in the dead tooth of a root canal can be scattered with it? Because then I wouldn't have to worry about getting replacements or alternatives.

And how do you know if you've got the probes in the right spot to pulse w/the silver pulser? Do you start out just five minutes a day? How do you know when to increase the time? How much Colloidal Silver are you supposed to consume? How much Ozonated water are you supposed to consume? How do you know when it's safe to stop the protocol? Will the homeopathics be okay to continue? They are helping to open up my elimination pathways.

A lot of questions. I need guidance. I want to do this, and I believe I will get better if I do, but I am just very cautious. Any advice or mentoring would be deeply appreciated. I've got to get my life back. I can't keep living like this.



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