You have to stop eating fruit if you want to correct the symptoms associated to a possible fungal overgrowth. Candida feed with Fructose as good as Glucose.
Loose stools is a classic symptom of an intestinal candidiasis.
In a recent study to evaluate the effects of some natural oils against candida "in vivo", a Chinese large Hospital treated 96 patients with intestinal candidiasis. Loose stool was a common symptom. Undigested food in stool was one of my classic symptoms 2 years ago.
You should rule out Celiac disease or Gluten intolerance.
I also think parasites isn't your problem.
Don't take Metronidazole, Mebendazole or any other Antibiotic without a positive test result for parasites. They will aggravate the candidiasis to the limits.
It looks like you aren't following an anticandida diet. This is vital to recover. No a truck loaded with Fluconazole will solve your infection if you still eat what feed the fungus.