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Re: Mucus looking strings in stool- Mucus or parasites? i

Candida Detox
Mucoid plaque = Parasites = Candida
Remove them all!

Cloves & Wormwood
Parasite Cleanse

Michael B Views: 288,531
Published: 13 y
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Re: Mucus looking strings in stool- Mucus or parasites? i

"However, that also means we are all doomed, and if the amount of stuff i was taking didnt kill it, i dont think just a diet will. what do you think will do the trick. ?"

Yes- were it not for the heroic strength of the human spirit and the divine intervention of consciousness we indeed would all be doomed. This is the way the world was designed. But I personally refused to live my life sick and suffering and made the decision DEEP IN MY SOUL to eradicate candida NO MATTER WHAT IT TOOK. And so I pioneered a way to defeat it-what no one else in the world has ever done before, especially not with the severity of infection I had.

It is an Intense anti candida protocol utilizing starvation tactics and enzyme warfare alternated with recovery periods of enhancing auxiliary support systems. The "Michael B" protocol which I pioneered and have posted here and there and probably will post again at some point.

Once the body has significantly recovered and healthy habits are maintained (i.e. NOT taking Antibiotics or having mercury poisoning)the protocol can be modified.

The ultimate way to kill the fungal colonies is to eat only a 100% greens diet with nothing else and to combine it with a cullulase enzyme product which digests the cell wall of the candida. I have literally tried everything and with ridiculous intensity-this was the most effective period. The bottom line is that if you have a systemic fungal infection, you need to obliterate the fungal colonines and this requires starving them with the greens diet. However this is extremely difficult to do both will power wise and biologically, which is why I alternate the protocol with 1 or 2 week recovery periods which include chelation of mercury and Liver Flushing to augment bile flow.

When it is all combined, the body gets incrementally stronger and the immune system more functional while the candida incrementally gets weaker and less powerful. Right now you have a raging beast that has taken you over and no amount of antifungals will kill it. You would think the colonies would be "pouring out of you" but remember this thing is intelligent, resilient, and highly adaptable and has a direct feed line to your blood stream via intestinal rhizome infiltration. They have not been pouring out of you- they have been laughing at you. This thing is profoundly evil, believe me...and it IS a monster.

Every aspect of your health must be addressed to overcome candida, especially energetically and spiritually as some of us gentler beings have a tendency to ALLOW boundary violations thinking it is 'love'... the body does the same thing and just lets pathogenic lifeforms violate it. This must be transcended for your immune system to begin killing the candida by itself.

Combine it all together with the full force of your being and you will defeat it. And if the full force of your being is not enough... you use whatever you have in the moment to strengthen it. This is how you escape from hell and overcome the doom we were born to experience.


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