Jazzy is right. Many of us have had your problems going on for years and years. Your problems sound like candida and possible protozoa. Constant diariahh is a sign of parasite/protozoa. Don't listen to a doctor that tells you it's IBS. That is not getting you anywhere, there is a reason why you are having diariahh period. We have been through this for years and years and years. Numerous stool tests, thousands on doctors. I think my candida was caused by E. Hystolytica protozoa that Dr. Cahill tested this week. I've had this for years. I think it sent my immune system to go crazy. I now have hyprothyroid and Lichen Schlerosis, 2 autoimmune diseases and I think it was because of my body trying to fight something. I finally have a diagnosis after all these years and he found it. I am on medication for it now, so I can't say I'm cured yet, but I know I'm in the right hands of someone who is not guessing.