Re: Having doubts about chelation
Mac, I'll share a few thoughts.
Re DHLA Nano Plex.
== The body naturally reduces some of the ALA we take orally into DHLA. DHLA is one of the actual dithiol chelators that chelates As and Hg.
== Remember what I previously wrote to you. It is not just what you take but how you take it--the protocol. Dosing: how frequently, how much, rounds, supporting supplements, etc. Beware of those who will tell you to take things randomly. You don't want the mobilized (kicked up) heavy metals bouncing around randomly!
== There is a lot to like about Boyd Haley, the one who is behind OSR for human consumption. (I previously gave you links to several of his videos) However OSR is a yet to be proven new medicine. There are some encouraging reports but also difficulties too--I think certain liver issues in some. This might just be something that certain people should not take or something that is not going to be well tolerated by many. It will need further testing. OSR is not available in North America.
Re liver "cleansing herbs".
== Be careful if you have liver problems due to Hg. You don't want to put added stress on the liver. There are more conservative options.
== Joe