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Re: How to preserve worm samples?
kuriousity1111 Views: 11,507
Published: 13 y
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Re: How to preserve worm samples?

Good Luck to you... If you look on the Image/ parasite page, click on ("pages 10-19"). Look for two pictures with a pink tape measure in them, from user "121288". Those are mine. I had a tickle in my throat that I couldn't cough out. I went into the bathroom, held a magnifying mirror up and aimed the light from the vanity to the back of my throat. I saw what I thought was a piece of phlegm that wouldn't budge. I got out my needle nose tweezers and carefully grabbed it. Once it was out, I had no where to put it. It was really unexpected. So I slapped that thing onto the bathroom mirror and took all of the pictures I could to document it. I have not found a lab in the united states that knows how to identify a damn thing.

My Doctor's receptionist, upon hearing my frustration in trying to explain what I was experiencing to him whispered to me after he was out of ear-shot..."TAKE LOTS OF PICTURES!!!"

Let me know how things go!


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