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Re: stop the night itch
Mitebittengirl54 Views: 234,417
Published: 13 y
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Re: stop the night itch

Hey, I have used graviola, google it, for pinworms ever since we got our dog. We live in the back of some woods in South Carolina. The graviola always works, along with several other immune boosting ingredients from the graviola tree. It is inexpensive, but I believe it is going to be MORE expensive as people catch on to it's cancer fighting properties. Somebody, anybody; HELP ME!!!!o.k., I never thought I'd live my life cleaning all the time, and now, I have some kind of parasite, and have pulled 3 mites -black with white wings, out of my nose. I have been like some crazy nurse, having to wash all my clothes and bagging all the laundry, and some how, they infested the bed. Now, I have made an upcoming appointment at the Center for Infectious disease control. They gather around the anus and give you the chiggers all night long. I have been using borax and ammonia in hot water, because the itching comes back every other night. Plastic on the mattress helps. It may be a bird parasite, a bird or rodent house infestation. I would not wish this on my worst enemy. We have had house mice run up and over the high fence in our yard and run into our sliding glass door. I am doing the Parastroy cleanse and the graviola, and they hate menthol, so Ben-gay and vicks vapor rub in the bungy hole help alot. I also see the eggs of these parasites on the furniture, walls, doors, the cars, tables, I feel pretty defeated...somebody write me~~~!!!!!!


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