Re: Very disturbing stool - is this candida? (image attached)
Well, not to sound pessimistic or condescending at all, but I really do not think candigone will be able to totally eliminate the colonies from your intestines.
I mean this in the sense that you may be SO infected with candida that a regimen that normally doesn't produce results such as the candigone program is enough to give you significant results, at least in the beginning.
I would expect any truly effective anti-candida regimen to produce daily die-off in the fungal form. So yes, EXPECT and INTEND it, but also know it won't always happen and that is when you need to modify your program.
I guess my point in saying this is that make sure you don't assume you are cured from intestinal candidiasis if a protocol that was yielding results stops yielding those same results. Based on the quantity of release from that photo, I think you may get fairly consistent die-off for a few weeks to months, then sporadic die-off eventually tapering off to very sporadic die-off. You will definitely feel better than you did before beginning but you won't be totally cured.
I read a case many years ago about someone who began a round of caprylic acid and psyllium/bentonite shakes. He produced some spectacular photos with massive quantities of candida die-off in the beginning. But he never changed his protocol and many months later was still un-well, with sporadic die-off here and there. So I attibute his beginning success to the fact that he had ridiculous quantities of candida overgrowth, not neccessarily to the regimen.