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iran-gold dinar by 2005,oil bourse by 2006 & sunburns
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iran-gold dinar by 2005,oil bourse by 2006 & sunburns


By: IZAKOVIC 2 Nov 2004

Iran Focus


by George Ure

We've been hearing from our sources that the Russians have told the U.S. and Israel through the back channels that if even one person in Iran or Syria is harmed by Israelis or U.S. forces, Russia will launch a preemptive attack on Israel and will make a glassy plain of the place. We've further heard that the reason for this is that Russia is in tight with Iran which plans to being floating the Golden Dinar [ GD] (a gold backed Islamic currency) in January of 2005 and that this will be followed in last 2005 or early 2006 with an alternative oil bourse (alternative to London) where the medium of exchange will be GD's or Euros.

We mention this because it now puts into clear perspective the Russian motivation for so many militant statements lately about maintaining nuclear parity with the U.S. Today, just for an example, the Russians are talking about a successful launch of an ICBM from a sub: And now we understand the real game going on.

As soon as the Golden Dinar and a Euro denominated bourse opens in Iran, the U.S. dollar backed only by tax-cutting spendthrift signatures will crater and take down the world economy with it. But don't worry, it's not all bad news - at least oil demand will moderate.

Today's edition will be short and to the point - get out there and vote!


So, it seems that one of ex RMN agents was riight about the purpose of Russian SUNBURN nuclear tipped, supersonic, ramjet powered cruise misille deployment in Iran.

What he did not know is that this weapon, that can be fired from a simple truck platform, is deployed also in Siria. This is why U.S. did not place the money where its mouth is so far.

It seems that every new day helps to understand why prophets and visionaries have insisted that Russia and China will ocupy Israel, Near East and Balkans, which means that there must be substance in Washinghtons's vision also. Apart Jesus, Nostradamus and Tarabich brothers were some of them.

This message is intended for those who understood that the voting for politicians is just attention binding activity.
And that there is no time enough for love left.



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