Re: Walking in the full Power of the Gospel.
I'm glad you like the same ministers. I love how they teach on growing spiritualy and on the love of God. I was sorry to see the florida outpouring fall. I believe the power of God worked through a man and the man was able to reach people that a more average kind of guy wouldn't have. But how does anyone keep up that pace, even if they didn't have baggage.
During the outpouring, I was walking my neighborhood praying for each family as I walked by each house. One night while I was watching it I had the urge to do this, and my mom came up as I was going out the door and said God said we need to go walk the block and pray now. We did and in the next two days the two homes that had changed my nice quiet neighborhood into a drug Mecca, went out of business. one went back to jail and lost the house, the other ones wife left him and the house had to be put on the market. All we did was pray god's blessing and his will for each person and the neighborhood. We also rebuked any plan of the devil and told anything of him to leave in the name of Jesus. It was so nice to have my neighborhood be back.
Sorry to hear of health and
Depression issues. I have symptoms of lyme. I have had really powerful prayer where I know it was gods will to heal me but that I somehow couldn't completely let it happen. I am trying to change my mindset from seeing myself as limited and not healed to I am healed with symptoms that need to be rebuked. Seeing myself as sick is the opposite of faith and hope. And it doesn't feel good. I have had success with rebuking away pain and that was really exciting. I had to really keep my mind clear of limited thinking and with each new pain rebuke it for about 6 times, but then it stopped and hasn't returned.
Funny how it can be easier to heal symptoms than illness, and even still easier to heal someone else's symptoms.