Re: Walking in the full Power of the Gospel.
What a wonderful thread and to which I say AMEN and AMEN! I am also a Spirit filled Christian with the evidence of tongues and am always seeking the gifts of the Holy Spirit, too.
I am isolated where I live now, out in the country, and miss being around other full gospel Christians who walk the talk and operate in the gifts. I miss being in the manifest presence and power of God, seeing folks saved, healed, delivered and baptized in the Holy Spirit and power! Have been involved in two revival meetings and wow do I miss those! Also working in a John G. Lake Healing Room in Western Washington, where I'm originally from, for awhile and that was amazing and wonderful! No Aglow out here either. Sigh.
Hubby and I are part of a local Assembly of God congregation which is small and we do get words from the Lord fairly regularly, but not much else as far as moves and manifestations of God's power and glory. Too many folks are still sick and troubled and discouraged and hopeless, even in the church body. This should not be so!
It's not easy staying stirred up but it can be done! Time is short, the harvest is ripe and I am looking up waiting for Jesus to come and take us home! MARANATHA and HALLELUJAH!
God bless you all!