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Re: Why is Cutler so against supplemental glutathione?

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joegrane Views: 25,794
Published: 13 y
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Re: Why is Cutler so against supplemental glutathione?

"...Instead, his dated (and possibly dangerous) advice is to take b50 complex 3-4 times a day. B-complex vitamins are often impossible for many to tolerate, and also full of SYNTHETIC "folic acid", the type of folate that the body was never meant to metabolize. It can build up in folks with methylation problems, and block the body's ability to use active folates.

== You oversimplify his view! Many members don't tolerate something in the multi-B (ie form of niacin and B6). So try the individual Bs, including sublingual mB12 and find the offending B.

"He's always dismissive of methylation problems,"

== I don't know how you could say this.

"... instead telling folks to chelate (for what, years and years?).."

== For as long as necessary, not longer. It varies from person to person--how toxic is the person, how long has it been in them, how often do they chelate and at what doses, what other toxins or other factors are involved. It is impossible to predict! I personally know someone who was nearly bed ridden with neurological problems, etc. After 5 yrs of AC protocol he is back to work as a lawyer and I could not tell he had any problems when I had dinner with him some months ago. He says there are still a few relatively minor issues but who doesn't at around age 50.

== If a person has a genetic defect in the area of methylation, I would not expect chelation to resolve it. If the genetic defect in methylation has resulted in a heavy metal problem, then chelate.

".. while they may become dangerously deficient in b12 and folate in the process."

== Only if they do nothing rather than address them!

"It's very telling that many on the overloaded FDC yahoo group have been chelating for 5-10 years without much progress,"

== I only know of a few members who chelated 5+ yrs. Two claim to be cured and are very grateful (one is in my local circle of friends). Two others are grateful for their improvement. The large majority have experience major gains in the first year and are very grateful, including myself. The young kids often have major improvements in 6 months.

Also check out the Progress Reports folder in the yahoo Frequent Dose Chelation group.

"... yet Andy did it in a year?"

== That is not true. Honestly, I'm not so sure that after 10+ years he is at 100%. He was very sick. He is not a young man. No one claims that chelation will result in immortality. He also chelated with very high doses--probably a high tolerance for pain. I certainly don't tolerate chelators well. My recollection is that he had major gains after a year. Sorry I forget where he said this but it might have been in this interview with Dr Dan Pompa. Pompa took 3.5 yrs to recover.


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