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Re: Why is Cutler so against supplemental glutathione?
joegrane Views: 25,714
Published: 13 y
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Re: Why is Cutler so against supplemental glutathione?

"he treats the body like a flask and purely a chemical reaction," powertool

Powertool, This is an excerpt from his website about his Amalgam Illness book.

"This book is the kind of book you'd expect a chemist to write - one that is mechanistic, interrelated, and views the body as a complex chemical factory to be measured and controlled by adding a bit of the right reagent over here, taking something out over there...This isn't the only way to understand things. It is just the way I knew how to explain them....
I've written this book according to a modern paradigm of medicine. ... viewing the human body as a system where biochemistry leads to metabolism which in turn becomes physiology. The new paradigm is to see illness as a slow progression from health to death rather than the sudden onset of a "disease" ...The new paradigm lets you use the best of both mainstream and alternative medicine to get well. " from bottom of the page.

I think the main reason his system works so well for so many is that most doctors don't have PhDs in chemistry and were not taught about "amalgam illness" in med school. Cutler has a PhD in chemistry and has a much better feel for how mercury fouls up various chemical reactions in the body. He also has first hand experience from being sick himself from Hg. He then recommends things to try to compensate for the problems until we get the Hg chelated out.

Unfortunately we are not all the same. We have other problems in addition to Hg. We have varying amounts of other toxins that are contributing to our problems. It is so damn complex!

The issue you bring up about the sulfur amino acids (methionine, homocysteine, cysteine, glutathione, taurine, sulfate, etc) is maddeningly complex. So many of us have problems in this area.
People who have methylation problems will be affected in one way (I think too much homocysteine).
People low in Mo will lack sulfate and not tolerate wine with sulfites , etc.
People lacking in Vit C will have too much of the potentially neurotoxic cystine.
The following image will give you a feel for the relationships.

Hang in there powertool. Keep learning and get better!

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