FODMAPS/candida diet. very very effective living on peppers chicken, prawns and rice cakes for 2 weeks. can go out in public without stares, giggles, friends ignoring me or being rude. dont know how long I have to keep up the diet as i dont know what i have (can't afford doctors) don't know what I can/can't eat or what triggers it. I'd really LIKE to know seeing as I LIKE to drink socially but i won't be doing that anytime soon if it possibly makes me stink. In addition to the diet I'm taking supplements; vitamin b complex, odorless garlic, vitamin c and zinc and multivitamins. will keep up this routine as long as possible. over a period of months will reintroduce foods back into my diet. Will not get my hopes up as it could be just a no-smell PHASE. i'll post updates.