Girl, I hear ya. 100% agree. My face looks horrible right now and my neck looks a tiny bit better than disgusting. It drives me crazy that these deep zits can just sit there and do nothing. I have arm and hammer toothpaste on my zits for god sakes hoping that they will dry up and dissappear. I would rub feces on my face right now if I knew that they would go away. LOL! I am a little hormonal right now but I feel your pain. I ordered the Unkers and now I am trying to figure out how to make them come to the surface or go away quicker. I have the "kiiling the mites part down" but then what? You kill them and they come up in your skin and do nothing but scar. Ponds isn't working fast enough anymore. I even put castor oil on my face last night....nothing. I have put mankuka honey on my face...nothing. I have put Bentonite clay on...nothing. Well, not nothing but more zits. I know I am overdoing it but I feel your pain girl because I am fed up. I am a pretty girl but I am getting a complex about this. Like, turning down events because I don't want people to see me. Sorry, I had to vent. I know our skin doesn't define us but I understand how people with Acne feel. It is not good and I welcome any suggestions on how to make my Acne go away for good naturally. When I find out I will spread the word to all...