hi im jodie, age 25 i was very unwell for a few years, only just starting to see an improovment, i had all the symptoms of parasites, chrnoic fatigue and adrenal fatigue. I now only suffer with light head and dizziness. I have done two humaworm cleanses and the humaworm liver cleanse,kidney cleanse and currently taking the candida cleasne from humaworm. I have noticed my bp has become very low, it was always low but at the minute it is around 90/60 and lower, laying down is 88/50 i also have an oximiter i use at night as i have become worried about my pulse so wanted to keep an eye on it, over last few weeks laying down my pulse drops to 53-55, used to be 60-66 laying down. my doctor said nothing to worry about but i do feel tired and dizzy alot and worse laying down, my oxygen levels dont drop tho always 99 even when pulse is low. i was just wondering if from doing all the herbal cleanses could they be the reason why my bp has dropped and heart rate is low? thanks