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Re: Intermittent Fasting
montecristo5216 Views: 5,312
Published: 13 y
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Re: Intermittent Fasting

Dear WY,

It may sound like a contradiction but a man who is able to experience fear and admit to it, is usually very able to also feel a very manly courage. Those things are human and go together, you know, like cold and hot, or like light and darkness.

The most terrible thing there is, FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN...WE all know that fear.. Then, it is best to make the thing KNOWN..and the fear is dissipated.

I understand your concern. You are coming from a very conscious corner of your mind. I have been there too. It speaks well of your conscience.

I believe you should go ahead and just fast, dear. You know enough about it. Just do it.

WY, your body will let you know if things go wrong. It might happen you have to stop your fast...that is OK. Most experienced fasters have done that at the beginning. It is better to fast while we are still on time (I am thinking of those who suddenly decide to fast after a very sad visit to their doctor). If you just fast 2 days, or only 1.. you will feel so confident, so much sure about the process. It will give you the motivation to fast longer the next time... Experience is reassuring, such a sweet teacher of Fasting!

Get yourself enough water and a bag of oranges...and just go ahead and start your fast. You can always break it-should you need to do that- with a wonderful orange, or with any other fruit of your choice. I happen to suggest oranges because they naturally last longer, can wait for us to break our fast. If you have oranges at hand, you do not have to worry about feeling so "weak" that you might not be able to go to the store to buy your fruits. Oranges, even organic oranges, last many days. They can be there, waiting for you to have their juice when you need to... Get yourself some extra socks and blankets if Winter is felt in your area.. Dress yourself properly for it...a few rules only.

In the meantime, while you fast, you can come with your questions and concerns to our forum. This is a support forum, and you will be understood, no matter your concern at the moment.

But if you still have doubts; you should better post in the Fasting Debate forum. Here, we are not reinventing any thing. We accept WF water only the way it is and simply meet to ask questions and share experiences with like minded people. And YES, we can have questions, and also doubts -as you do- but we trust the process and are easily satisfied with the support we get. Obviously, it is not your case. Because of it, we are not able to help you better, as you would like us to do.

It is only up to you.

Good Luck!

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