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Published: 14 y
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I'm not a dctor but 've had problems in the past with excessive sweating and discharge in the past. My first thought it that maybe it's hormone related, because sweating and all that can be related to the hormones as well as the thyroid gland.

If you haven't had your thyroid checked that would be good to get your levels checked. Also folic acid is good for women to take because it's suppose to be good for us while helping red cell production as well as help with anemia.
Sme women have said that it has helped them with female odors and yeast infections.

You may want to think about caprylic acid in your diet as well as fishoil(which is great for the hormones) the capyrlic acid is good for fighting yeast infections. Taking probiotics is good for yeast too. The ones at GNC is good for female problems 2-4 billion.

White vinegar has been very helpful to me in the past.After washing just pour some in your hand and splash it there, shaving will keep you cool too. it's possible you may have a hormonal imbalance. They have something on the market for women called Refresh. This is a clear cream you use for every 3 or 4 days and it's supposed to help with hormonal imbalance.

The white vinegar,probiotics and the capylic acid will definitely help if it's yeast related. ACV with water (drinking)(Braggs brand) wll help with yeast and will bring balance to your PH balance, you may need to watch your diet too. I hope some of these ideas have been helpful.

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