Re: 1st Day of 40 Days Water Fast
Ok, thank you. I don't usually take vitamins and I don't really want to start now.. wow really? that's amazing! I know some people who tried to quit smoking for so long but they just gave up, it's very hard.. I'm happy for you :)
I was right! Today is a very, very bad day. I feel so hungry.. and dizzy. I dreamt again that I was eating and I keep thinking of foods I would love to eat now. When I'm not fasting, I usually eat healthy.. It's just that I eat too much chocolate :)) and lately I've been drinking a lot of coke too and I just eat because I'm bored.. and I've done this for so long, it's like my mind think it's normal now.. and I keep seeing food commercials which makes it even harder! But it's fine, I know that I really have to finish this time. I'm doing this for myself and I keep thinking of how happy I will be when I finish fasting.. I would feel more in control of myself and I would feel stronger mentally and so healthy and happy! I'm really excited! and this time I really don't want to give up. Thank you very much to all of you for your support! It helps so much!
I get a little anxious when I think that school stars tomorrow, I'm scared I'll feel too dizzy and that I won't be able to do anything! But at the same time, I feel like it's only going to make time go by faster.. I will have to wake up at 6:30 in the morning and I'll get home at about 4:30 pm from school. I just hope that after.. maybe 10 days I will feel better and I will forget I'm fasting.