Re: Time to break for me. Too weak.
Thanks guys. It is what is is. I'dve liked to have gone on my original goal of 21 days and even longer if I had the time and resources to lay around, but life has a habit of getting in the way. I don't feel in any way guilty or like I've failed, I merely set far too ambitious goals, remembering that last time was "easy". However, last time, I worked 2 days, and then was on vacation for a week, so I wasn't on my feet for 10 hours at a time, running around a kitchen and bar, slinging cases of food, beer, and kegs, bouncing unruly individuals, staying awake till 6 AM and generally doing everything that is not recommended during a waterfast.
I am somewhat headstrong and can usually bullhead my way through a problem by sheer will, simply because ::insert Ivan Drago voice:: "I AM RUSSIAN!" Nice bravado, and I even believe my own BS sometimes and it helps me, for instance, on that last 10 minutes on the treadmill when my legs are chewing gum, my lungs ribbons, and battery acid in my veins. Not this time though. I simply couldn't will my body to continue at the pace it was going simply subsiding on ketones.
Thanks for the advice about taking it easy starting, I will. I just went to the store and got a bunch of stuff for my next week. I am going to be a vegetarian and a teetotaler for the next several days. Now, I officially break this fast, with a my first "meal", a cup of half/half distilled water/pomegranate juice. Here goes my first sip. Cheers and Na Sdarovia!
I'll still be fasting in the future and have a few days of refeed ahead of me so I will be by here. It was great corresponding with all of you and I wish we could all finish fasting and refeeding at the same time, and could meet up for a pint and bite somewhere. Anyhoo, while this isn't good bye, I will say "da'vstrechi"(loosely means til next time). Good luck all with your fasts. So... til next time.