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Re: For people with anal smells (could be of help)
Intothewild Views: 10,750
Published: 14 y
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Re: For people with anal smells (could be of help)

When you say,"One thing i forgot to mention before was that my anus was pretty swollen and stuff right before i started this treatment and is now back to normal"

Does this mean you had a hemorrhoid?

I suffer from small internal haemoroids but that wasnt what was causing the swelling i think it was the infection doing that.

BTW just surfing i found another person who found success the same way as me on poopreport.


Anonymous Coward (not verified) -- 11.24.2008

"Hi, I will tell you my story. Its worth reading because I finally found a solution in my case, so it might helpfull for many of you. I'm 23 now, i had this disease since i was 14. The main symptom of this disease was the fecal smell from ass, lasting all day long, every day for so many f***ing years. I never went to a doctor till this year, I kinda learned how to live with it(what is the worst thing you can do..). Finally i realized that it must change because i will never be able to get a girl or lead a normal life(i was spending most of my time in front of computer). The good thing is that i didnt give up studys, I'm on 4 th year on university. This year i went to a doctor, thinking that he will diagnose a known disease very fast, give me a medicine that will solve my problem in a short time. The reality was more cruel. The Doctor had no f***ing idea what it might be, and sent me to another Doctor - gastroenterologist. He said to me: i m working in this proffesion for 20 years and i never heard about disease with such symptoms. He said I should go to a Psychiatrist. From that time i decided to find a solution by myself. I started to search information on the internet(this way i found this site) and also started posting about my problem on forums. One day i received e-mail from a girl, who had the same problem. She told me that the doctors didnt help her either. The way she found out about the solution was that she had some other fungal treatment case and she started to take antifungal called Ketoconazol. This medicine found out to be a cure for the smelly problem. It works for both of us. In my case the smell was 90% gone after 3 days of treatment with this mecidine. Now I on a 7 th day of treatment and there is no smell at all. I never had no smelly days before so I m 100 % sure it works. In her case it took more time to get rid of the smell. The problem is that you need a prescription to buy this medicine. I had this luck, that the girl i was telling about have the access to a person who gives a fake prescriptions for money. She bought and sent me that medicine.

Ok that's all information I can help you with for now. Good luck and never give up :)"

BTW Ketoconazole is another name for NIZORAL.

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