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BoristhePillager Views: 6,542
Published: 14 y
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Umm, either late stage 2 or early stage 3. I know I'm in full ketosis, b/c my breath and urine smell and my mom gave me some ketostix, and they're coming out purple, which i giess means my urine is full of acetone. Hot, I know.

Oddly enough, though I frequently enjoy the company of the ladies, I've been oddly content to be celibate this whole time. Maybe it's because I'm not boozing it up like I usually do. Free anything I want to drink is a perk of management and sweat equity into running the place but it can also be a curse, b/c I always wanna smoke when I drink.

The two have gone hand in hand since I was 12 and hanging out with the older patsani, who were mildly organized but had delusions of mafia-hood. To me @ that age, they were crime kings and nothing short of brawling, larger-than-life warrior gods the likes of Tyr, Hercules, and Ares. Untouchable, cool, admirable, fearsome,appealing to women, etc. So, naturally, I wanted to be just like them. It's only a few years later, I started realizing that the guns, booze, drugs, sex, and russian rock lifestyle was unhealthy, somewhat dangerous, and occasionally fatal. By that time, I was into a few different drugs, which I managed to kick, kept the booze because, c'mon... (Ya Rooski), but the cigarettes were the only things I wasn't able to drop, though I've tried several times and have even gone 8 months without smoking before reverting to old habits, partly due to the drink.

I'm not sure if I'm ready to surrender the vice I enjoy to rid myself of the one I hate. This is maybe the last
Oo-rah I'll give quitting in my early/mid twenties and if I fail this time, I'll probably put the thought away and drive the coffin nails until I grow a bit more sense. Kind of my all or nothing for the decade. Fortuantly, I've never really felt this way while quitting(rather good) and I have high hopes in spite of being a natural born pessimist(Ya Rooski), that this will be the magic time.

But hey, congrats on quitting yourself... Cold turkey? What were your coffin nails of choice. Until about a week ago, I was a dedicated Marlboro Lights -Lights not Golds, f*** you Obama, do something constructive with our tax dollars- man, averaging about a pack and a half a day, though I've dropped between half a pack all the way up to 5 packs a day in a time of serious depression.

By the way. There's this one website I've been checking out for a few months, kind of taking some of the advice to heart as far as dieting and exercise goes, the guy[Rusty] running it seems to know his stuff, if you're going for more the Megan Fox look over the Laila Ali thing, this site may be your dose(

Anywho, have fun on your trip and remember that its not failure if you were to cut your fast and recover, because though you may not have made your goals, from what I've read, you've gone pretty damn far, farther than me at least. Even for me, 21 days is moreso a maximum rather than a goal and I will listen to my body, plus I have a few absolutes in place(no blackouts, not too weak to work, and no more than 25 pounds of weightloss).

By all means though, if your fasting discomfort is bearable and does not raise medical concern or you aren't ready to go yet, then soldier on, devotchka.

Always good chatting it up with you. Good luck and take it easy(and if its easy, take it twice).
-Yevgeniy/Zhenya/Zheka/James/Jimmy/Eugene, hell I've answered to all of them @ some point or another.

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