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New to Oil Pulling and have questions
mikenola Views: 18,570
Published: 14 y

New to Oil Pulling and have questions

Hi everyone,

I am new here and have several questions about oil pulling and dental disease, etc.

I apologize in advance if this is long.

To begin I am 46, a smoker, drink coffee (A LOT!)but never had tartar/calculus build up until I moved here 3 years ago.

My recent blood pressure was a little high but I cannot be sure that was not the stress of the dental visits.

I have 13 teeth with metal fillings (3 others mentioned later had them also).

I have had 8 root canals, the last was over 10 years ago and all occurred in a 12 year span.

I recently had a tooth abscess (it had metal fillings and had two root canals done on it 13 years ago) and it was pulled last week.

In the 6 months prior to that two other teeth (1 lower left, 1 upper right-both had root canals and metal fillings) break. The Upper right was a back tooth and broke at the gum line and the gum has overgrown it. The lower left is jagged and the gum is trying to grow over it.

My gums began to show signs of receding around the time the tartar started showing.

As a side note the root canals were done while I was on Active Duty with the Navy and on the ships. There I was given a shot of Novocain and Tylenol 3 for the pain. You can imagine I have become terrified of dentists from that experience alone.

I know that the two broken teeth have to be repaired or removed (and honestly I am leaning towards removal and having the whole post/tooth implant thing done.)

Financially I cannot afford to pay out of pocket so I am under a dental school program that has "interns" working on me, and that scares me no end. While it is difficult to complain about free expensive dental work, I may have to be completely sedated to get through this.

Now here are my main questions:

1) with all the different oils and experiences out there is there a consensus where to start? I am going to a health food/vitamin store today and getting the following
Coconut oil
Oregano oil
coloidal silver
flax seed oil
neem seed oil
grape seed oil
peppermint oil
Dr. Bronner's organic bar soap

Is that a good start? as a newbie I really can't afford to try everything and frankly from what I have read those seem to be the basics

2)All the talk about Iodine and Lugols have me confused.
I cannot seem to find an Iodine "oil", so what should I buy locally and what can i expect from it in my situation?

3)Will oil pulling help me remove the calculus/tartar? how effectively? Enough to avoid having my teeth scaled and roots planed? is one oil more effective than others on tartar? No amount of brushing has seemed to help over the last 3 years.

4)One thing is that Louisiana banned Fluoride in the water system yet everywhere else I have lived had it. I never had the problem before moving here, so it seems to be connected. am I wrong? is it just age and a change in body chemistry?

5) Dr. Bronner's comes in bar and liquid forms, is one better than the other?

6) one of the problems that has cropped up since the abscess is that I am having a problem with diarrhea from the Antibiotic ( Clindamycin ), will any of the oils help or hurt this? I am very wary of stopping using it until the course is complete as I don't want the infection to come back.

7) should I get a water pic and use the oils in that as well as swishing them around? I have a hard time with the idea of standing in the bathroom swishing for 20 minutes 2 or three times a day. I see that as taking a bit of time for me to get used to it, particularly if this involves nasty tastes as I have a low gag threshold and smells can make me projectile vomit.

I know it may take days to get an answer so I am going to start with the list of stuff I already posted above, but I hope to hear about my questions.

I have read the recommended posts and a couple hundred more and really have not found the answers I am seeking in a consolidated form.

I thank you in advance and will post my progress/experiences here.



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