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My first Oleander Experience
Nobel Metal Views: 4,322
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My first Oleander Experience

July 1, 2010,

I have made my own tinctures and herbals starting many years ago, but this was my first making, taking, or drinking, ‘Oleander’. And I hope you can get something from this:

#1) If Tony Isaacs will forgive me: If I am going to make much, and I did, and then ‘preserve’ by diluting with vodka, then I personally would stuff the pot full to the brim, but then as Tony says, only fill with water two inches below the brim for ‘boil over’ purposes, and then I would not even put any lid on the pot; (Best if distilled or reverse osmosis for its ‘pulling’ power), and then, never mind that two inches of fresh green leaves and stem are sitting 2 inches above the water line, cuz, as soon as it has boiled a few minutes it can just be pushed down inside with a kitchen tool; and is good for making a little stronger end result.

#2) I hate diluting it in ‘preserving’, and I wonder for those of you who have Oleander just out your front door like I do now at my new address, that it is VERY Nice just to walk outside and cut a 12” piece, then break and fold it a few times, just putting it in a very small ‘glass or stainless pot’, and just slow boil for an hour, let cool a little, and drink it direct; for those of us who can, and with clean blood.

For, as to past history and the Bible days are concerned, for snake bite etc, I can guarantee you the very longest they were boiling was 1.5 hours, and most probably 45 minutes and then letting it steep and drink:

Now, all of the above is just info, and I very highly encourage all people and cancer patients whom have been eating hamburgers and French fries to follow Tony Isaacs in starting extremely small (1/4 teaspoon under the tongue), and working up, and remember, ‘negative cleansing reactions’ are just simply most times from the negative condition of a persons existing body and blood, and so depending on your diet and lifestyle, FOLLOW Tony Isaac’s, and move up Slowly.

But, for any of you ‘Gorilla’s and Goat’s’ out there with alkaline blood that have never had coffee, sugar, white floor and pizzas for the last thirty years of your life, listen to what I did:

I boiled for five hours never taking the leaves or anything out (and in the future I’m very sure I am going to boil less and work with as little water as possible at the start; for it can be pushed down inside just a few minutes later. And, as a test of my personal product, I personally after boiling the first time for five hours (Ladies and gentlemen these comments are for vegetarians and or ‘Gorillas and Goats’ whose blood is in close to Perfect Shape, and is NOT for the rest of the world): Imagine, with the pure blood I have, I bottled everything without filtering anything except by pouring it through a regular stainless steel screen (A 20 liter pot STUFFED full of Very Beautiful plant leaves, steams, and white and pink flowers), and boiled that down for five hours with the lid off, and then after bottling all with vodka, left only 8 Tablespoons of the fresh tea in the very bottom of the pot (8 Tablespoons at the bottom) of liquid and Very dark brown sediments, and then I drank only that, One TABLESPOON at a time, per hour, for eight hours straight as my very first Oleander. (Dark brown sediments and all.)


And I also did all of the above with no food for 18 hours except for ‘four small baked potatoes’, and ‘two large banana and mango blender drinks’, and Lots of water, as is always.

And as to Oleander, I also like to leave it under my tongue for about five minutes.

And why am I telling you this and why did I do all of the above? Well one, I knew the condition of my blood, and number two, I did it purposely as a test and so I would be clearer on ‘since I have Oleander just out my front door now’, and for all health, and me not wanting to add the vodka; (and rest of the world, Vodka as a preservative is just FINE, do it, it is Very very fine); but, you know what?, for me personally with cleaner blood and with the plants just outside my front door, (World, only with super clean blood), I personally am just going to ‘go back to’ the men and ladies in the desert of many years ago, and just walk out and cut one 12” piece, and then to boil it up for one hour, let it steep, and to simply drink it as a full glass of tea.

I also hand squeezed the entire wet herb, and which made MUCH MORE Very very dark sediments.

(NOT FOR THE WORLD. You people with past ‘regular diets’ Must Follow Mr. Tony Isaacs. – So make that sure. – But, the proof, cooked Oleander is totally safe.

And for me, imagine the STREANGTH and sediment in all of the above of those very last 8 Tablespoons for my first life dose, and all done within 8 hours? And I did it personally so that I could experience it in my blood, and so I could tell you; so that if any of you had a plant just outside your door you would not hesitate to just cook yourself up a fresh glass of a more diluted tea and to just drink it; (you with cleaner blood), just like the men and women would have done in the desert cooking ‘on the fire’ many years ago in Turkey, Israel, Egypt, or Arabia, etc.

And thirdly, by doing what I did, it proves to me that a lady with cleaner blood can very easily do a vaginal rinse with pure fresh 100% Oleander soup, and maybe a little vinegar added would be very great and wise in that area and subject.

And obviously would be a Most Fantastic rinse for certain lady problems.

And then with me being more ‘alkaline blood’ and with a very clean system, the ‘side effects’ of my taking 8 Very Strong Tablespoons in eight hours for my very first time were only three things: I felt it working in my head at times; and then when I laid down to go to sleep (the same as we have heard in the stories of B-17 Laetrile) I could feel Many like ‘little cellular fingers’ very slightly massaging and working doing their job (was VERY Nice, and also was a very calm feeling), and then when I fell asleep Wow, Many Very vivid dreams… And was very Nice. And that’s all, bathroom and all the next day, nothing different, but just exactly the same as always for me.

(But Tony, not to worry, on day 2, 3, 4 etc., I am taking only 3 Tablespoons per every 24 hours.)

Today, one week later, July 7, this is a note just so people aren’t afraid: My landlord of all things just told me yesterday he is going to build a parking lot and two rooms exactly where all my Oleander plant is growing and then just 8 hours later, very rare, was a Very BIG rain. And so this morning at 5:30 I transplanted and transferred 100 plus Oleander plants with no gloves. And with zero problem.

(This plant is not dangerous when boiled; just don’t overdose with it; and just DO NOT ever eat it fresh raw in a salad, hehe. – No problem, after the plant is boiled.

And then afternoon of July 7, I made from this morning a Very Nice light golden colored tea. I only filled a spaghetti pot up with 1/3 of Oleander plants; and then I filled the rest of the pot with pure water. And then I slow boiled the plants for 3 hours, and then I drank a small wine glass, and will do another before sleeping.

(And even though with all of the above post, remember, with most people’s diets and their blood, our brother Tony Isaacs has been following the papa of Oleander soup, and also, Tony’s job has been to protect you; and which he has been doing.)

And then lastly please, just two questions:

1) For you experts out there, how many Hours do you think Oleander Soup will keep safe for consumption in a brown bottle, with no preservative, and no refrigerator after finishing the ‘soup’? 12 hours, 24 hours, two days, how long do you think?

2) And if I add only 20% ‘Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar’ to the finished product, how many days/weeks do you think before it HAS to be consumed?

And have a good day, and to your health!, and sorry for the very long post, and Thank you all very much. Nobel Metal.


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