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Moritz Liver/Gallbladder Flush ~2 Years
Tracey+theCity Views: 48,659
Published: 14 y

Moritz Liver/Gallbladder Flush ~2 Years

Just an update. In July of this year I will reach 2 years of liver/gallbladder flushing the Andreas Moritz Way. It has been pure amazement.

Each time I feel greater peace of mind and love. The world looks like it shimmers. To watch all that stored anger, repressed emotion, sickness and disease come pouring out during each flush is a beautiful thing. No surgery, no doctors, no hospital, no invasive procedures, no drugs ... just malic acid, olive oil, citrus juice, epsom salt, diluted pure cranberry juice all the time, and colosan. I am so grateful for this information.

A recurring plantar's wart growing in size spontaneously disappeared -- under eye baggage, gone -- lines between eyes, gone -- total transformation of digestive system, complete -- eyes, bright and more colorful than ever. Increasingly severe sinus problems that turned into bronchial issues and increasingly more and worse allergies in general - VANISHED, LIKE THEY NEVER EVEN HAPPENED. I do not have "ALLERGY SEASONS". And I am not even done yet. What will my world look like, a fairy tale, when I am done?

I would do this every month until the end of time if I had to. I am on about my 20th flush. Four of the last 3 flushes produced so many stones it was like a dam had just been broken. Almost every single flush produced a considerable quantity of stones making every effort a raging success.

Make your liver nearly immortal - the Andreas Moritz Way!!

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