I have Gallstones and have been trying to avoid taking my gallbladder out. I recently saw my Dr and advised of my choice to try to flush them out naturally as opposed to surgery. My Dr even offered to perform some test where they check to see if my Gallstones are pure cholesterol, if so, they would prescribe me something to dissolve them. Anyhow , I gave blood that day, because she wanted to check my liver enzymes to make sure i had no infection as a result of my gallstones. I receive a call from her yesterday advising that she did not recommend me going the "natural" route do to my liver enzymes are completely out of whack and i need my gallbladder out now!
Before I talk to her again, I wanted to know what sort of questions I should ask, and is there anything I can take to get my liver enzymes under control so i can proceed with trying to flush naturally?