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Re: Zapper with wrist straps? Z4ex Extreme???
Steve888 Views: 14,140
Published: 15 y
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Re: Zapper with wrist straps? Z4ex Extreme???

I put them under my feet while sitting. Instead of having your feet on the floor they are on the copper handhelds. You may only get the die-off symptoms if you do too much zapping at once. If you go easy maybe an hour/day you should be ok. The zapper should help with colon issues but I would also use some other protocols like Colloidal Silver , olive leaf extract and perhaps Bentonite clay to heal the intestines. That way you are also healing the colon more directly. I can't remember if they send zapping protocols with the Z4EX zapper. Many of your questions may be answered here:

"How do you put them under the feet? While laying down? inside the socks? How do you keep them there. So if you have symptoms they will continue until the dead things are out of your body? I have so many questions I guess. I want to try this. Do you know if it will help colon problems? Do they send information with it? Thank you for writing to me, I'm trying to learn more......"


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