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Anyone know how to get rid of external hemroids?
  Views: 419,905
Published: 15 y

Anyone know how to get rid of external hemroids?

Hi. I have like 3 r 4 external hemroids. I am not sure what to do about them because from what Ive heard you really cant do much. I have tried all of the OTC creams and such, and none of them have worked. Is there really anything that WORKS?? Ive also tried some homeopathic remedies and such. I am only 21, and extremely embarrassed about it. I am afraid that a boyfriend will think I have herpes or something. Whats even worse it that I think I also have IBS so that irritates them even more.

I have had them since I was 15, and I dont understand why.

I mean even if I could shrink them that would be nice.

Any suggestions??


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