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Flush Benefits
rotgut Views: 9,998
Published: 20 y

Flush Benefits

Just figured I'd chime in. I've really being feeling great lately since I did my flush and started life style changes and maintenance with lecithin and milk thistle. It feels like I've taken 5 to 10 years off my age.

Just a few things I've noticed:
1) Vision seems better when not wearing glasses. When well rested, it seems as if my prescription has improved.
2) Maintaining weight loss; the downside is a lot of my suits have gotten pretty baggy on me (who cares!); I'm down to the weight I was when I started college almost 20 years ago.
3) Improved immune function - my tonsils, particulary on the right side, used to get inflamed alot. They were especially sensitive to allergens, particullarly when not rested properly. They're actually performing the way they should now - I have no pain, and they are able to eliminate "clogs" and trapped food without effort.
4) Significantly reduced sensitivity to mold and hay fever causing allergens.
5) My triglycerides initially came down by 400 points while off meds. I have to get them rechecked to see if the trend continued, or was just a fluke reading. This is the second most important thing for me, and I will highly recommend the flush to everyone I know if my TG's have started to normalize.
6) MOST IMPORTANTLY, I have a renewed appreciation of what goes in and out of my body. It's given me the desire to eat healthily and in proper amounts, and given me the courage to look to alternatives to over the counter and prescription drugs for solving phyiscal problems.

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