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Re: Jock Itch That Won't Go Away!
berks01 Views: 247,603
Published: 16 y
This is a reply to # 326,550

Re: Jock Itch That Won't Go Away!

Hi all. It looks like a while since anyone has posted, but worth a try. I was wondering what type of coconut oil or what brand works best? Also how much to apply, rub it in or just spread it?

I have a similar issue and i too thought it might be herpes, but now i'm wondering. Machado, if you have the time, can you please tell me why you mistook it for herpes?

I have had a similar itching around the base of my penis for over 2 years now and have tried everything from anti fungals to anti yeast products. I seem to itch as i start to warm up but not when i sweat around the base of my penis, right left and just above.

I seem to get hours of relief when i shower or have a workout. The itching is always in the same area.

Any help would be welcome.



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