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About Dis-Ease - ? (mind-body)
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About Dis-Ease - ? (mind-body)

KS, I will be relatively brief, but I will add a few insights ...

Can you when you have time explain what you mean by dis-ease and it being the root cause of every disease.

'Dis - Ease' = when we are not at ease with any aspect of life - anything that causes negative emotion.

A negative thought attracts more negative thoughts, until they cause an emotional upset and that transfers itself into a minor/acute bodily condition (headache, migraine, aches etc.) If the emotions are not dealt with efficiently, they accumulate to critical mass, and become chronic conditions - what people refer to as cancer, diabetes etc. 

It really is that simple. I will give further explainations at a later time.

I guess what I am trying to say is I feel other things may be involved and not just emotions.

It does seem that way. It seems that way when people don't understand the vibrational and attractive nature of all matter. Every thought we think emits frequencies, and we attract to us perfect matching frequencies. For example, a bully and victim are perfect matches. They both emit the frequency of insecurity and fear.

Chronic health conditions are just a result of long term chronic patterns of thoughts and beliefs.

The more disabling the dis-ease, the more disabling the thoughts and emotions have been. Those who may have accumulted a lot of self criticism, guilt, fear, rage, anger, worry etc = disempowered thought patterns ... are emiting frequencies that attract all types of chronic ailments.

This is good to know, because we don't have to take a lot of physical action to turn our lives around - we only have to review our thinking and belief systems and change them to reflect a higher frequency that we will eventually emit. When we emit certain frequencies, like a state of hope, appreciation, love, joy (and I'm not talking about the slap a smiley sticker on it version) ... then it becomes easy to release anything that is no longer part of us and we start to attract an abundance of all good things - all the things that we want for ourselves - good health, happy relationships etc.

Better still, we do not have to change anyone but ourselves. We become the Peace we seek and then Peace is all we attract.

I know it does seem like life happens to us and it is not our making. But there is a borader understanding of how we really do create every circumstance (mostly unwittingly) ... and that is what I will teach you, so you can become conscious and deliberate in how you think, in how you feel, in how you emit your frequency, in what you attract ..

And the wonderful truth is, we do not need to cover the past, we only need to work with the here and now and move on from there.

I will be back to cover things in detail with you and give you many processes to work with .. in a few weeks/1 month.

Until then!

Maya XX



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