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Re: how Dave the raw food trucker lost over 200 pounds so far

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Original Hulda Clark
Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Re: how Dave the raw food trucker lost over 200 pounds so far

I myself prayed the day after I was diagnosed 3 months ago and got some readings in the 400, 500 and 600s and lots in the 200 and 300 and panicked thinking of a bleak future.

That day I found the hallelujah diet at

I read the diabetic testimonies and got hope. I goggled raw foods and diabetes and discovered it has much better results than the diet the American diabetic association recommends and of course the SAD.

I did not trust my alternatively health minded doctors advice to eat no whole grains ans fruits and eat 6 balanced meats of meats, veggies and good fats. It did not seem healthy to me.

I am now on a whole food diet, vegan and eating so far 50-85% raw and working to got better. I gave up all buffets, fast foods and junk foods and am exercising daily and losing weight.

The day after I got hope of curing/reversing this thing, I happened to go back to the website (they eat at least 85% raw vegan, whole food diet and also cure diabetes).

I discovered that they author of the book hallelujah diet and the website was speaking in my state the next day free. I took this as a sign and answer to my prayers and drove the hundred miles doing some sightseeing and shopping at the coolest and biggest grocery store in the nation so it was a fun day that I learned a lot.

I went to look the book up on amazon and started searching book finding these helpful books advocating a plant based diet (and lots of raw foods) for diabetes.

I then began to commit myself to changing my lifestyle. I am not there yet but I have done amazingly well sticking to a very healthy diet. Giving up animal though I loved meat and other animals and eggs and cheese was not really that hard as there is so much variety in the vegan foods remaining and in the fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, legumes, soy and whole grains.

I have, though, cut down on whole grains and fruits, given up honey and other natural sweeteners and trained myself to drink my formerly heavy on the honey tea (cause I cant taste it unless a lot due to a zinc problem caused by too much estrogen (or so my doctor said) to nothing (although stevia is safe for diabetics I find it has an aftertaste though in the past some brands were good just not the ones I have now I guess). I never thought I would go from that to unsweetened herb and green tea.

I am also eating low on the glycemic index though once in a while I have something high like Watermelon or a potato but I eat small amounts.

The hardest animal product for me to give up was cheese and learning how to make soups and stir frys good without the little meat I put in them before.

But the hardest of all for me is giving up cooked, not necessarily cooked but my whole (health food) pantry is full of things that have been or need to be heated. But I figure if I stop buying that stuff, using what I have slowly, eventually I will improve my numbers on the raw foods.

Although my blood Sugar is still far from normal, I have gotten no readings in the 400, 500, 600s anymore and only maybe 5 in the 300s in the last 11 weeks, so I am hopeful as I improve the diet so will the readings improve.

I wish I was more like Dave on that but I am proud of myself for doing all I have in such a short amount of time and believe I will keep improving. Fear is a great motivator too.

Hopefully, someday I will be healthier than I was before I got diabetes even and then the disease which got me to do what I admired but couldn't before done and that is all good.



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