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We are all so stupid
Molly Bloom Views: 7,667
Published: 15 y

We are all so stupid

A truly remarkable article/ad below. We could have avoided all this swishing, and endless blathering about swishing and instead just used white-out. Or maybe it's one of those pens you use on your grout. Perhaps it's the secret of using both those products. Tide Bleach Pen and White Out, with perhaps some nail polish to give your teeth a truly shiny appearance. Ah ha, I discovered the secret and I didn't even have to pay for it!!

Found this tidbit:

"With the recession in full swing, many consumers are turning to the internet to take advantage of special trial offers allowing them to save hundreds of dollars. Alicia, an ordinary, modest mother of two, living near Walnut Creek, California is one such consumer. Alicia recently discovered a clever way of combining two different teeth whitening product trials, -- a teeth whitening pen and a teeth whitening kit -- to get one full "super" whitening, comparable to what you might attain at a local dentist for $400 or more. Even more surprising, she used nothing but free trial* offers where she paid just a few dollars in shipping charges to try these products.

Alicia's story of how she wound up with yellow teeth sounds all too familiar to some:

Well, honestly, I did quite a few things that probably contributed to my dingy teeth. I can't start my day without a tall Latte from Starbucks. And I love a glass of red wine with dinner. I can't claim to have brushed my teeth twice a day every single day, but I honestly think I was pretty good. I never floss even though I know it's important. Finally, I'm embarrassed to say that I missed my dentist appointments for 7 years in a row. I'm sure if I got my teeth cleaned at the dentist regularly it would help. With 2 kids and a such a hectic schedule, who has time to go to the dentist?

About 6 months ago, I looked in the mirror one day and was just shocked at how bad my teeth had gotten. I brushed morning and night using the whitening tooth pastes. I also tried using whitening strips, but nothing worked. I called my dentist to get a quote on a teeth whitening and he said $750! That wasn't even covered by dental insurance.

I'm no doctor or medical expert, but I heard that the quality of the at home kits were improving to the point where they were the same as what dentists used. So I did some research online. I discovered that there were 2 types of at home kits: teeth whitening pens and teeth whitening kits. My idea was that I'd use the teeth whitening pen and the teeth whitening kit together. After all two is usually better than one. After looking around online, my husband helped me find a few special offers where you could try these products by only paying a few dollars for shipping* ( the shipping was $2.49 for Brite Teeth Pro and $0.97 for Easy White ).

Alicia found products that produced results which were as good as, if not better than what she expected from the dentist. Even better, because these teeth whitening companies are desperate for new customers in this recession, she was able to take advantage of trial offers.

But Alicia didn't stop there - after finding the special trial offers, Alicia made use of the kind of ingenuity many consumers have turned to during this recession, and also looked for special promotional links that reduced the total shipping to under $4* for both products.

Most clever, perhaps, is the fact that combining two different trial products, and using them one after another, allowed Alicia to get what could effectively be described as a "super whitening" without breaking the bank.

I was surprised by the results after the first 3 days – but once I saw my teeth after a week, I was totally blown away ... I knew I was onto something.
The trick is to use TWO trial products that compliment each other TOGETHER to give yourself a whitening that's better than you ever could have expected.

Thank you to Alicia for this week's consumer tip. Alicia has shared her discovery with thousands of people over the internet. If you're interested in using Alicia's trick, we've provided special links with the discount codes already activated below. Remember, to get results like Alicia's, you will want to use BOTH products together. The links reduce shipping costs to under $4 total* ( the shipping was $2.49 for Brite Teeth Pro and $0.97 for Easy White as of July 22, 2009):"

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