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Re: Curing AIDS with tetrasilver tetroxide molecular crystal devices
gostryter Views: 58,062
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Re: Curing AIDS with tetrasilver tetroxide molecular crystal devices



Marantech Holding was organized in April 1999 as a Delaware limited liability company (LLC). Headquarters are in Providence, Rhode Island, USA, with additional research based in Israel.

Marantech's founder and inventor, Dr. Marvin S. Antelman, is a physical chemist known internationally for his scientific discoveries and many highly successful commercial applications (e.g., Thin Layer Chromatography used worldwide by scientists; Micro battery technology used to power credit cards and other applications; A method to eliminate deep sea corrosion of zirconium in nuclear submarine reactors).

Marantech was formed to research, develop and commercialize a unique category of inorganic compounds. All are multivalent metallic oxides that function as electron-firing molecular-scale nano devices. This class, characterized by Dr. Antelman and subsequently named ELECTRON-JUMPING COMPOUNDS® (EJC®) has broad and significant potential applications in medical, industrial and consumer markets.

A seasoned management team and distinguished consulting, medical, and scientific advisory groups are guiding the company through its current stage.


Electron-Jumping Compounds® (EJCs) represent a class of multivalent metallic oxides that function as electron-firing molecular-scale nano devices.

To date the company has identified eight EJCs and fully patented their potential market applications. Each EJC is based on a different metallic oxide, including silver, iron, manganese, cobalt, praseodymium, terbium, copper and bismuth.

EJCs have a natural attraction to specific biochemical functional groups of the elements sulfur, nitrogen and phosphorous, one of which is expressed by certain proteins on the membrane surface of cancer cells and all rapidly proliferating pathogens (bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoa).

Upon contact, a multi-stage chemical reaction is triggered:

* Covalent bonding with the target
* Release of electrical energy (nano-electrocution) through a reduction/oxidation process
* Release of highly active singlet oxygen.

This action effectively ensures the target's death. No other drug or anti-microbial functions in this way. The unique method of action of the Company's compounds has the potential to establish a new class of medicine.

Below is a graphic illustration of EJC's proposed mechanism of action between TST and HIV. A similar mechanism of action is associated with the company's seven other EJCs. Depending on the target pathogen, the attracting biochemical functional group may either be sulfur, nitrogen or phosphorus.


1. Close-up of HIV's membrane surface glycoprotein terminals with exposed nitrogen atoms

2. Attraction of EJC molecules (shown as tiny blue particles) to nitrogen on the virus' glycoprotein

3. Contact, covalent binding, electrocution and release of highly active singlet oxygen, through a reduction/oxidation process

4. Rapid death of the virus

Most importantly, in medical applications, normal tissues appear to be unaffected when Marantech's EJCs are applied in low, pharmaceutically effective concentrations. Additionally, what is most interesting is that because of the compound's ability to deliver an electrical shock, pathogens may be unable to develop resistance or mutation strategies. This could have profound implications for the world's health and safety and answer one of the leading problems facing today's pharmaceutical and biotech industry.

Status of Testing and Next Steps

Some of the leading contract research organizations (CROs) in the world have conducted laboratory analysis of Marantech's EJCs, including the company's most thoroughly tested EJC, Tetrasilver Tetroxide (TST™). Each CRO has provided independent assessment of its potential.

Results of in-vitro tests showed that a very wide spectrum of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria were destroyed, including some of the leading antibiotic-resistant bacteria, viruses, protozoa and fungi in low concentrations. The independent analysis also indicated TST's ability to destroy cancer cells and inhibit their reproduction. Toxicity analysis and early-stage clinical studies have also been performed.

Several patents and patents pending protect the EJC intellectual property.


Aidance Pharmaceutical (a division of Marantech) was formed in 2002 to continue core research and fully develop the Company's compounds for systemic infectious diseases and cancer therapeutics (skin and systemic).

Infectious Diseases

Status: In independent testing, HIV, the virus that causes AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) was destroyed (98.4%) in-vitro with concentrations as low as 20 parts-per-million. Toxicity analysis in-vitro and in mice showed that the company's Tetrasilver Tetroxide (TST) does not produce toxic side effects and that healthy tissues are not effected. Because of documented non-toxicity, a limited number of terminally ill AIDS patients suffering from Wasting Syndrome, Candidiasis and P. Carinii Pneumonia have been treated in clinics outside the US. Thirty days after treatment, clinics reported an increase in patient body weight, white blood cells and other key markers.

Because TST is a broad-spectrum anti-pathogen, when administered to AIDS patients it apparently destroys many of the opportunistic infectious diseases that usually accompany HIV/AIDS.

Laboratory and clinical analysis has also documented the ability of TST to destroy the Herpes Simplex virus (HSV-1 and HSV-2) in concentrations below 96 PPM. Limited human clinical studies have produced encouraging results.

The Company expects to continue testing TST against HIV and related opportunistic infections as funding allows.

Several patents and patents pending protect the intellectual property within the areas of infectious disease.

Potential: Infectious diseases have been on the increase worldwide and show no signs of abatement. Antibiotics have no affect on viruses, and bacteria are able to mutate so effectively that Antibiotics have diminishing ability to inhibit bacterial growth. In developed countries, as many as 60% of hospital-acquired infections are caused by drug-resistant microbes. Over half of all hospitalized patients are treated with Antibiotics . Antibiotics represent a significant portion of overall healthcare costs, accounting for between 20% and 50% of total hospital drug expenditures. TST may offer an alternative to antibiotics.

More people have died from HIV/AIDS over the last twenty years than from any other disease in human history. IMUSIL® (TST formulated for intravenous use) may offer an alternative to other anti-HIV drugs (which are highly susceptible to HIV mutation, can cause severe side effects in patients, require daily dosages, and are very costly). Currently, over 40 million people worldwide suffer from this pandemic, mostly outside the US. Estimates show that a global campaign against the epidemic needs $7-10 billion annually for an effective response in low- and middle-income countries.

Because IMUSIL operates on an entirely different principle from other drugs (including antibiotics and antiretroviral drugs), the Company's compounds may offer an important alternative in the global fight against infectious diseases.

Next: Outside the US, two (2) clinical trials will be conducted in the coming months using IMUSIL against HIV/AIDS. Based on further documentation of IMUSIL's efficacy, the Company hopes to receive approval from Ministries of Health in selected countries outside the US for IMUSIL treatment.

Next steps for infectious diseases also include ongoing pre-clinical and clinical research, regulatory new drug application, expanding the medical advisory and management group, and exploring potential strategic alliances.

For additional information, please contact us.

Cancer Therapeutics

Status: A leading independent laboratory tested the effect of TST in-vitro on cultures of a variety of cancer cell lines, including human breast, colon, kidney, leukemia, liver, lung, lymphoma, melanoma, pancreas, prostate and stomach. Results from multiple testing revealed the low-concentration ability of TST to destroy these cancer cells upon contact.

Additional independent testing with TST also documented the compound's ability to inhibit the production of cervical and mammary cancer cells. Subsequent testing has confirmed TST's ability to covalently bind with cancer protein and destroy cancer cells. Marantech also contracted for an independent dermatological clinical analysis, including topical treatment of various skin and mucosal tumors with TETRASIL® (the company's topical formulation). Promising preliminary results, verified by biopsy, were reported, including apparent elimination of cancerous cells in many patients with malignant melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, Karposi's sarcoma, early stage cases of Paget's disease (nipple carcinoma), and cervical cancer. Results were encouraging and no adverse side effects were observed.

Several patents and patents pending protect the intellectual property within the areas of cancer therapeutics.

Potential: Scientists predict that by the year 2020 there will be 15 million new cases of cancer worldwide each year, and 10 million deaths. Cancer costs Americans alone more than an estimated $107 billion annually. TST systemic and topical therapeutic products may offer a significant alternative to existing cancer therapies.

Next: The Company is exploring strategic alliances and licensing agreements for funding and development of the company's EJC technology for cancer therapeutics.


Aidance Skincare & Topical Solutions (a division of Marantech) is focused on fully developing the Company's EJC technology for the treatment of non-cancerous skin conditions and diseases, including commercializing the division's topical ointment (Tetrasil®).

Status: Independent laboratory and clinical studies commissioned by Marantech indicate that topically applied TETRASIL ointment may lead to improvements in a range of infection-related skin conditions (bacterial, viral, fungal), including cold sores, genital herpes, conjunctivitis, chickenpox, shingles, diabetic leg and foot ulcers, dermal tuberculosis [mycoplasma] and ringworm. Clinical studies also indicate that TETRASIL ointment may promote healing of skin conditions that are neither cancerous nor infection-related, including atopic dermatitis (eczema), psoriasis, poison ivy, and third-degree burns, apparently by both disinfecting the area and triggering an increase in the production of new, healthy skin tissue.

In multiple tests, TETRASIL has proved to be non-toxic. Limited human use of TETRASIL by over 500 patients with some of the above-named skin conditions has produced impressive results and strong testimonials.

Several patents and patents pending protect the intellectual property topical applications of EJCs.

Potential: Several viral, bacterial, fungal and other skin conditions present vexing challenges for the medical community and patients, and TETRASIL may offer an important and timely solution.

107 million people worldwide suffer from Genital and Oral Herpes. In the last two decades, genital herpes has doubled among white adults in their 20s while increasing fivefold among white teenagers, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Now, about one in five teens and adults (some 45 million Americans) has the disease. A recent study estimates that 49 percent of women aged 15 to 39 will be infected with herpes simplex virus type 2 by 2025 if present trends continue. The associated medical costs would rise to $2.7 billion in 2025, from $1.8 billion in 2000. Initial clinical studies and anecdotal reports indicate that TETRASIL is effective against herpes and may offer a viable alternative to current medications.

The wound care market is a $10 billion worldwide industry. In the US alone, this market was estimated to be about $3.7 billion in the year 2000, with a compounded annual growth rate of about 3%. Market data for 2001 indicate that with an estimated 6.6 million patients nationally having pressure ulcers, an estimated $5 billion is spent annually for treatment. The two main types of chronic bacterially induced wounds of concern to the Company are diabetic foot ulcers and decubital ulcers (pressure ulcers, bed sores, etc.). This is a larger market than burns or traumatic and surgically induced wounds combined. In clinical studies and patient testimonials, TETRASIL has shown efficacious results against these types of ulcers.

Next: Clinical studies for TETRASIL will continue in 2003 at selected hospitals inside and outside the US. Current pending studies are focused on pressure ulcers (bedsores) and topical human papilloma virus (HPV) and/or genital warts infection.

Sales of TETRASIL in the US have already commenced. TETRASIL is currently sold without FDA approval as a no-claim product ( Outside the US, the Company has begun shipping TETRASIL in collaboration with key distribution partners. Approval of TETRASIL, either as a cosmetic or pharmaceutical, in selected countries outside is expected to generate modest to significant income within the next few years.

Additional next steps include ongoing laboratory and clinical research, continued commercialization of TETRASIL, FDA new drug application, as well as ongoing application with foreign ministries of health for approval of TETRASIL, and expanding the medical advisory and skincare management group.


Method of curing AIDS with tetrasilver tetroxide molecular crystal devices

US Patent Office

United States Patent 5,676,977
Inventors: Antelman; Marvin S. (Rehovot, IL)
Assignee: Antelman Technologies Ltd. (Providence, RI)
October 14, 1997
Filed: May 31, 1996


The diamagnetic semiconducting molecular crystal tetrasilver tetroxide (Ag.sub.4 O.sub.4) is utilized for destroying the AIDS virus, destroying AIDS synergistic pathogens and immunity suppressing moieties (ISM) in humans. A single intravenous injection of the devices is all that is required for efficacy at levels of about 40 PPM of human blood. The device molecular crystal contains two mono and two trivalent silver ions capable of "firing" electrons capable of electrocuting the AIDS virus, pathogens and ISM. When administered into the bloodstream, the device electrons will be triggered by pathogens, a proliferating virus and ISM, and when fired will simultaneously trigger a redox chelation mechanism resulting in divalent silver moieties which chelate and bind active sites of the entities destroying them. The devices are completely non-toxic. However, they put stress on the liver causing hepatomegaly, but there is no loss of liver function.

What is claimed is:

1. A method of treating AIDS-afflicted humans comprising injecting a multitude of tetrasilver tetroxide molecular crystals into the bloodstream of the human subject.
2. A method for increasing white blood cell counts in AIDS-afflicted humans comprising injecting a multitude of tetrasilver tetroxide molecular crystals into the bloodstream of the human subject.
3. Methods of treating AIDS-affilicted humans according to claims 1-2 where the concentration of said molecular crystals is approximately 40 PPM of the total blood weight of the human subject.


The present invention relates to the employment of molecular crystals as anti-AIDS devices, but more particularly to the molecular crystal semiconductor tetrasilver tetroxide Ag.sub.4 O.sub.4 which has two monovalent and two trivalent silver ions per molecule, and which through this structural configuration enables intermolecular electron transfer capable of killing viruses and binding them to the resulting silver entity so that a single intravenous injection will completely obliterate acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) in humans. Furthermore, said devices are capable of killing pathogens and purging the bloodstream of immune suppressing moieties (ISM) whether or not created by the AIDS virus (HIV); so as to restore the immune system.

The present invention is based on concepts previously elucidated in applicant's U.S. Pat. No. 5,336,499 which discloses the destruction and inhibition of bacteria, algae and the AIDS virus in nutrient life supporting systems by using said silver oxide devices. Example 3 of said patent discloses that 18 PPM of said crystal devices could totally suppress the AIDS virus (page 6, line 5). Subsequent to the filing of the aforementioned patent, further testing revealed complete 100% destruction of the AIDS virus in vitro at 20 PPM, and the fact that said devices were harmless when ingested and inhaled, being non-toxic.

Encouraged by these evaluations and successes, applicant obtained permission to evaluate the crystals in vitro against murine acquired immune deficiency syndrome (MAIDS). Only one facility in the State of Israel is licensed for these evaluations, namely, the Kaplan Hospital in Rehovot, Israel, which is affiliated with the Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School where said evaluations were done.

The initial evaluations entailed experimenting with various silver moieties cited in applicant's aforementioned patent, concentrations, non-reactive buffers and modes of administration. After about 18 months of judicious efforts and initial failures, success was finally achieved in destroying the MAIDS virus in C57BL mice with a single intravenous injection. The results of this test program comprise Example 5 of U.S. Pat. No. 5,336,499. After success with mice, the inventor was able to test the efficacy of said devices on two select etiological groups of terminal AIDS patients in a clinic in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Central America.

The AIDS patients comprised the etiological subgroups, Candidiasis and Wasting Syndrome. Current indicator diseases for diagnosing AIDS which have been expanded by the CDC, fall into the following five major categories with the approximate percent distribution among AIDS patients:

1. P. carinii pneumonia 51%
2. Wasting syndrome 19%
3. Candidiasis 13%
4. Kaposi's sarcoma 11%
5. Dementia 6%

This invention concerns itself with the treatment and cure of candidiasis and wasting syndrome AIDS patients with Tetrasil*. These two groups account for approximately one third of AIDS cases.

*Trademark of Holipharm Corporation (of Israel) for Ag.sub.4 O.sub.4

Stedman's Medical Dictionary (Williams & Wilken's 26th Ed., 1995) defines wasting syndrome "as a condition of 10% weight loss in conjunction with diarrhea or fever . . . Associated with AIDS (p. 1744)."


The main object of the invention is to provide for a molecular scale device of a single tetrasilver tetroxide crystalline molecule capable of restoring the immunity of AIDS afflicted humans of the two AIDS etiological subgroups, candidiasis and wasting syndrome.

Another object of the invention is to provide for immunity restoration in said AIDS afflicted humans through a single injection.

Another object of this invention is to destroy ISM in humans manifesting AIDS diseases of said AIDS etiological subgroups irrespective as to whether said ISM was HIV induced, since it is known that humans may manifest AIDS and still be HIV negative, and thus restore the immune system in said humans.

Another object of this invention is to destroy the AIDS virus when present in the systems of said AIDS afflicted humans.


This invention relates to a molecular scale device not only capable of destroying the AIDS virus, but of purging the human bloodstream of pathogens and restoring immunity to AIDS patients of the candidiasis and wasting syndrome categories. Said molecular device consists of a single crystal of tetrasilver tetroxide (Ag.sub.4 O.sub.4). The crystal lattice of this molecule has a unique structure since it is a diamagnetic semiconducting crystal containing two mono and two trivalent silver ions, which in effect are capable of "firing" electrons under certain conditions which will destroy AIDS viruses, other pathogens and immune suppressing moieties (ISM), not only through the electrocution mode, but also by a binding process which occurs simultaneously with electron firing, namely, binding and chelation of divalent silver, i.e., the resulting product of the electron transfer redox that occur when the monovalent silver ions are oxidized and the trivalent ions are reduced in the crystal. The binding/chelation effect occurs at active sites of the AIDS virus, pathogens and ISM. Because of the extremely minute size of a single molecule of this crystal, several million of these devices may be employed in concert to destroy a virus colony to purge a life support system of ISM and pathogens with the consumption of only parts per trillion of the crystal devices. Thus an optimum of 40 PPM of the devices by weight of human blood was found to be sufficient to completely obliterate AIDS. This concentration is slightly over double of the optimum concentration recommended in applicant's aforementioned U.S. patent for the destruction of the human AIDS virus in vitro. Other details concerning the structure of the crystal and its mechanism against pathogens, the AIDS virus and ISM would analogously hold here, and have already been further elucidated in said patent.


DIY Silver Oxide Invention: 3x 9-volt batteries (27v DC)

Patented cure for HIV/AIDS mycoplasma also cures Gulf War Vaccine Infection mycoplasma, etc



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