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Re: stop the night itch of pinworms
gibby Views: 253,135
Published: 16 y
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Re: stop the night itch of pinworms

Well, this has been the whole problem. The doctors don't have micropscopes in their offices, and none will look at my tape samples. I have called the gyno, who won't deal with pinworms, reffering me back to the GI. So, today, I am getting a microscope from my school so I can see for myself. The GI doctor said it is definately pinworms because of the night itch. But he has nothing left to tell me except, use the creams...well, that doens't help. The colo-rectal doctor said it is not pinworms, because I would have responded to the round of Mebendozole that I had just been on. But I don't think she has a clue. She says it's prutitus ani, and wants to rule out an allergy. That has left me in agony and I am trying to find the hard evidence myself. This is not an allergy. I haven't seen anything in my stool, but I am pretty sure I see stuff on the tape. I've seen spots (like eggs maybe) some are curly kind of. Jagged edges? Then I've sen long straight lines, ranging from white to clear in color. Since they are stuck to tape, I can't see movement. In any case, I'm taking Paragone, with colon cleanse, and probiotic. I'm on day 3 now. I went for full strengh this morning. I will try the plastic wrap technique now, as you said. Seeing the movement will be a key identifyer.


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