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--Testimonials--Losing weight & Question about Flabby stomach--
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--Testimonials--Losing weight & Question about Flabby stomach--

By #111255,

I've been doing the moreless protocol for about 2 weeks now and have lost weight
all over my body except for my stomach which still has a big amount of fat. I'm
not sure what the cause of this fat area is but I believe it has something to do
with the adrenal glands. Would like to know how to accelerate the fat removal
from this area or if I need to add any supplements to melt the fat away.

Answer: One may speed up the Fat removal from the stomach area by doing some
stomach Exercises as the stomach does not move normally like the arms and legs
etc ! If one is getting enough of the needed Alkaline Minerals to help the Fatty
Acids Burn, they may Burn 1st where the body has Movement the most? End.

I am doing this acid/alkaline diet because of some bumps under my arm like
pencil erasers (not my armpits)and they are allready shrunk to half the size of
when I started. My doctor gave me antibiotics to shrink them-didn't work. My
herbalist gave me herbs-didn't work. So I realized this was a warning sign-too
many toxins for my body to handle. Glad I am on this protocol since it seems to
be working quickly. Two more questions:
1. Does the protocol say to ingest oils like omega's


2. My skin on the top back of my hands look old and are dry and wrinkly can
anything be done about them.

Answer: The Detox Baths may Greatly help as listed in this 1st link:

There are Many More Success Testimonials to be found in the same area as these
are posted ! End.

Thanks for having this wonderful forum.......Vera

Answer: Cause and Effect !

"WE" are What "WE" Eat !

Smile Tis your choice.

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