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stop the night itch of pinworms (enterobius vermicularis)
gibby Views: 255,386
Published: 16 y

stop the night itch of pinworms (enterobius vermicularis)

I was wondering if anyone had any more suggestions on how to stop the night time itch with pinworms (enterobius vermicularis).

I have been inserting a garlic clove at night, along with creams but i don't want to damage my anus. I use vaseline, so it does go in easy. Is that still the best method? I just want to get a good nights sleep and not be woken up. thanks,
I just started the ParaGone a day ago, and I think tomarrow, I will go to full strength. I am taking that along with a colon cleanse, and a very good probiotic. I am praying this works. The doctors have no clue what we go through. They just think the drugs should work, but they don't.


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