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Re: drinking urine = me tired
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Re: drinking urine = me tired

All you're drinking is the morning midstream? No more through the day? And for only the past 3 days?

It seems very, very strange to me that just that small amount would cause you to "constantly" feel tired and hungry...

The only possibilities I can think of are:

A) You're feeling crappy from something unrelated and attributing it to the minimal amount of UT you've done...

B) You've got some toxin cleansing/flushing thing going on, which is not unheard of when starting up on UT. I believe the common term for it is "healing crises" and it's basically where any cleansing process starts causing toxins to be flushed/released and causes temporary "negative" effects (flu like symptoms, feeling ill, itchiness, etc...) ... which unfortunately some people don't understand and then stop the cleanse/flush/whatever and say that it only made them worse!

C) Starting UT has "kickstarted" your body into "waking up" and realizing that it's not receiving proper nutrition and now it's screaming "huuuuuungry!".

D) A combination of any of the above?

I'm really curious though, what is your diet like? And by diet I don't just mean food, but anything that you're putting into your body. Because taking urine is in effect recycling elements from the foods you eat, and if you're eating garbage, then you're basically recycling garbage, which I'm sure could make you feel crappy.

I also have an Amalgam filling and have been doing UT for about a week or 2 now, drinking the morning urine and various amounts throughout the day as I feel like it or when feasible (I try not to drink it 30 mins before eating or 1 hour after eating), and I haven't noticed any extra fatigue, hunger, or slowly changing tastes in the urine. On the contrary actually, I've noticed that I seem to be able to wake up earlier and stay up throughout the day without nodding off here and there later during the day, and I seem to be able to go longer in the morning without feeling hungry ... which I attribute to the fact that the nutrients and such from the morning urine are being put to good use.

So it seems really odd to me that your 3 days of morning-only urine would have such a huge negative reaction (unless you are actually having some "healing crises" effect) when I've been taking quite a bit more than that and have seen almost the exact opposite reaction...

I have noticed for sure though, that different foods, depending on their quality (i.e. junk foods vs. raw fruits, grains, etc.), alter not only the taste of the urine but the "feel" of it and how it makes me feel afterwards. Some of the bad foods I've eaten over the past few weeks (some pizza, and some junk cookies) made the urine taste and feel pretty bad. So this makes me wonder even more what your diet is like...


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