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Some methods of applying urine onto body
kocc6ny2 Views: 4,443
Published: 18 y

Some methods of applying urine onto body

#1 To soak both feet in urine
Buy inexpensive rubber boots, get one or two size larger, cut off top section as desired but not too low, I cut mine somewhere below the calf muscle. Wear both boots first, then start pouring urine into the boots. Stop pouring when the urine level reach the ankles. Walking and other activities are not restricted when using this method, although taking the boots off is a bit messy & hard when it is wet. I'm trying this in order to improve my cracked heels and athlete's foot.

#2 Easily apply urine onto body/face
Buy a few inexpensive shellac brush, the ones that have white goat hair, used for painting shellac. These are made of soft and thin hair. Don't get those brushes used for normal painting, it's too thick. Get the widest ones on sale, I bought those that are 4 inches wide. Dip brush into urine and paint yourself gold. Drip factor easily managed and urine are applied evenly. Massage when finish. Go for second paint job if you will. Recommended to use a different brush for face or other problem skin areas.


Use a spray bottle, but it's not as fast as a brush.

BTW, here's an article on UT by doctors


All of us are fully aware that the noble profession of medicine and healing has been inhumanly commercialized and as such all unhealthy business tactics have crept in it. You must have read in the newspapers recently that the police in Bombay and Bangalore, whereby kidneys of the poor innocent patients were stolen by unscrupulous surgeons during minor operations without their knowledge and were sold at exorbitant prices to wealthy receivers, have unearthed several kidney transplant rackets. It is high time to realize that to the vested interests healing and preventive medicines are a disaster of the' first magnitude. Who can make large profits off healthy people? In this state of affairs how can we expect healing? So is it not advisable for us to find our own way out of this vicious circle? Our governments are not going to help us in any manner. We have to help ourselves.

You must have read the news that a division of Medical Research Council of London, which was doing research on common cold since 1957 on an annual budget of E5 lacs is closed for good in 1990 as they couldn't find a cure for it in spite of intensive research of 33 years. Despite this fact, million-dollar worth of medicines for common cold are being sold. What a big hoax is being played on the gullible public for so many years

Anybody can get rid of acute common cold in 12 to 18 hours only by urine therapy. All one has to do is fasting for 12 to 18 hours and drink all the urine he/she passes. If one feels thirsty one may drink lukewarm water. I am telling this to you after successful experimentation on my wife, my sons, several friends and myself.

Dr. J.L. Jamison from Mariposa, California, U.S.A. in a letter to Dr. P.D. Desai in India writes, "Friend, I appreciate your concern for the ailing humanity, but in the United States of America we have perhaps the most criminal Government in the world. It is Government policy to maintain ill health, as there is money in it."

I don't wish to bring politics into our discussion of complementary medicine and criticized any Govt., but at the same time I will be failing in my duty if I don't bring certain facts to the notice of W.H.O., heads of different nations and medical research workers of different countries.

Such a novel and marvelous cure is in existence since centuries yet it is most surprising that neither the Governments of different Nations nor Medical workers and the medical profession - the custodians of our nation's health, have taken notice of the same so far. Scientific investigation on this valuable remedy is most urgently needed for the welfare of the ailing humanity and especially in view of the impending danger of AIDS, which is going to be more disastrous than any nuclear bomb.

So it is my humble and sincere request to the W.H.O. and the heads of different nations that they should take' up urgent research work to find out on a scientific basis the fabulous medicinal qualities of human urine. Also they should find the ways and means to make this therapy acceptable and popular amongst the masses and save the ailing humanity from total annihilation.

In these days of instant communication and public contact facilities it should not be difficult to establish alternative therapies. The first step is to move the Govts. To include the subject in the curriculum in all the educational institutions. The hospitals should provide urine Therapy for treatment. Gujarat is the first and only state in India, which has given official recognition to this therapy.

There should be no confrontation or hostility between different medical disciplines but respectful coexistence centered on welfare of the ailing humanity. Everything is imperfect in human affairs but co-operation and coordination between different disciplines can cover all deficiencies and enhance their contribution to happiness, well-being and health of humanity.

Some time back I met Dr. Vasant P. Mehta, M.D., M.S., C.F.P.S., F.I.C.S. of Bombay who has taught medicine and surgery (rare combination) in a leading medical college of Bombay for more than 15 years. He says that urine therapy has played a major role in his recovery from throat cancer fifteen years ago. He narrated to me a very interesting episode involving Dr. Praful Desai (Head of Tata Memorial Cancer Hospital, Bombay), whom Dr. Vasant Mebta had taught when he was a student: When anybody asked Mr. Praful Desai whether urine therapy is useful in the treatment of cancer, he used to reply, "It's humbug". One day Dr. V.P. Mehta asked him whether he knew anything about urine therapy. His reply was in the negative. Dr. Mehta then chided him, "When you do not know anything about urine therapy what right you have got to call it humbug?" Dr. Desai apologized to him. Now he suggests urine therapy to terminal cancer patients but it will hardly be helpful to serious terminal patients. I know few lucky cancer patients. Who got cured completely by U.T, who had been sent home by physicians to die?

The amazing recovery story of Shri Himmat Somalia from terminal liver cancer is so sensational and inspiring that I have decided to reproduce the same here in his own words for the -benefit of the readers. Mr. Somalia after his tremulous recovery has become a powerful propagator and staunch supporter of U.T. He has joined our Shivambu Mission whole-heartedly. He is ever ready to help and guide people suffering from incurable diseases.

Had I not stumbled upon UT eleven years ago my family members and friends would have now mourned my 11th death anniversary!

In the year 1984 when I was 42 years old the doctors of the prestigious Tata Memorial Hospital, Bombay diagnosed that I was suffering, from liver cancer last stage. Prior to getting admitted in Tata Hospital I was treated by several well-known allopaths,.homoeopaths and ayurvedic physicians for several months, but my health went on deteriorating day by day as I couldn't eat anything as a result of which my body was reduced to a mere skeleton weighing 40 kg against my original weight of 62 kg. Doctors of Tata Hospital advised me to go for chemotherapy and thereafter radiation therapy as a last resort. I shuddered at the very thought of those dangerous treatments as I had seen with my own eyes the miserable and painful conditions of my few relatives and friends who had undergone those horrible treatments. I prayed to God to save me from this predicament. And God heard my prayer and sent his messenger in the form of one Mr. Nanubhai Chitalia whose incredible recovery story of terminal liver cancer had been published by numerous newspapers and magazines. He had recovered from liver cancer by U.T. and had healthily survived for more than ten years against the physician's prognosis of few days.

He came to meet me in Tata Hospital to inspire and guide me to do U.T. instead of opting for harmful treatments. I gathered courage and took voluntary discharge from Tata Hospital against medical advice and doctor's warning that I won't survive for more than ten days if I didn't undergo the proposed treatment.

Being a book-seller by profession I had read few books on U.T. but I had never thought of practicing it. I made up my mind to follow U.T. as a last resort. I started drinking 1-1/2 to 2 glasses of shivambu in the morning and within few days my mouth ulcers were cured and the blood that was coming from my tongue and gums also stopped. This was not a small achievement. I felt great relief as I -had suffered these afflictions for several months inspite of spending thousands of rupees on its treatment. This gave me added confidence and inspiration to do U.T. more systematically and intensively.

I started drinking whole day's urine, around seven glasses, and in between I drank ample water, herbal tea of tulsi and pudina, carrot juice, cabbage juice, vegetable soups, fruit juices, at an interval of an hour. After one month of treatment there was considerable improvement in my general health, and at the end of three months a strange incident occurred. Along with the stools I passed few tumour-like substances, which I collected and sent for pathological examination. In the report it was mentioned that those were parts of the malignant tumour that might have got separated from the liver. Thereafter there was fast improvement in my health. After six months I went for check-up to the Tata Hospital and to the amazement of my physicians I was declared totally normal and healthy. Today after ten years of my recovery from that deadly disease I am having extraordinary health and stamina, which I had 20 years before. I have become a legendary personality amongst my friends, relatives and well-wishers.

I am attending shivambu seminars without fail and narrate My incredible story to inspire the audience to follow U.T. before it is too late. Anybody can approach me for guidance. Jai Shivambu!

It is my sincere request to my delegate friends that they should try this therapy at least on those ailments for which there is no known cure and find for themselves the miraculous results.

In the month of January, 79 there was a startling news in the leading newspapers of Bombay, that AIDS virus was found in the medicine prepared from human blood plasma. The Govt. ordered to get back from the market all the stock of that medicine. We can very well imagine the fate of the patients who had been treated with AIDS infected medicine.

I think this paper will be incomplete if I don't touch on this disease. AIDS as you are aware stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Urine therapy helps build immunity, as it contains antibodies and therefore is the only possible remedy for this devastating disease. President of Life Science Institute of U.E.S., my friend Dr. John F.O. Quinn, great urine therapist and author of a wonderful book "Urine Therapy" (Self Healing through Intrinsic Medicine) writes, "I predict urine therapy will be the only cure for AIDS. I think I will die from sorrow if I see another Ethiopian child die due to ignorance of this suppressed fountain of sustenance (urine) for the sick and starving poor. Urine Therapy will be of incalculable assistance to those dying people. Perhaps more than all the food being shipped there. "Very recently I have received a letter from Victoria Some of Tanzania wherein she writes that she tried urine therapy on 10 AIDS patients as per the directions given in my book and all were equally benefited with the remission of several AIDS symptoms. The same opinion is expressed -by Lynn Stabenrauch of U.S.A. in her letter-dated 13.4.94.

In a leading newspaper of London, 'lie Guardian" dated 22.10.94, an article on U.T. had been published wherein Mr. Simon Kirby of the Immune Deficiency Trust, a holistic medicine centre in London has confirmed that several AIDS patients have been benefited by U.T. A veteran of alternative medicine and great propagator of U.T., Mr. Keith Slocomb aged 64 states that he had first tried U.T. 30 years before for liver problem and it strengthened his constitution. Since then like our Morarjibhai he has turned regularly to it; and through him hundreds of people have been benefited over the years. Very well-known amongst the supporters of U.T. is famous actress Sarah Miles. She claims it is the oldest of natural remedies. I am sorry to inform that my personal friend Mr.Quique Palladino of New York who had become a great urine therapy preacher and propagator after his recovery from full blown AIDS by practicing this therapy has expired last year. 'We must mention here that he had been immensely benefited in different afflictions like AIDS, Kaposi's sarcoma, herpes etc. despite the fact that he had not done urine therapy systematically with total diet restrictions, fasting and massage, which is evident from his letter written to me and from his article which had been published in Parade magazine .He had survived for more than eight years against the doctors' prognosis of 2 years.

Dr. Alan Cantwell, well-known AIDS researcher writes in his book "AIDS: The Mystery and the Solution": "I have noted that some AIDS patients do not have HIV in their blood'. AIDS is cancer, and cancer is AIDS. One possible reason for the emergence of the new epidemic of AIDS is that medical scientists may have unwillingly produced more virulent and more contagious bacteria or virus by the widespread use of chemotherapy, Antibiotic therapy and radioactive therapy in the modern treatment of cancer."

On reading the remark of Dr. Alan Cantwell I am reminded of having read the opinion of one scientist, whose name I have forgotten, that "Cancer is not a disease but it is a biological phenomenon, and as such there cannot be a medicine for the same." I think he is perfectly right in his statement, but I would like to inform him that a sure cure for cancer is there, and that is patient's own urine. Likewise AIDS is also not a disease, but it is a biological phenomenon and hence no medicine will be of any help for this deadly and horrible disease, but urine therapy will surely be helpful to the AIDS patient, as urine is not a medicine but biological end product.

When I first declared confidently 'in my paper on urine therapy presented on 18th September 1988 in 2nd All India Congress on Alternate Medicines held in Bombay at Tajmahal Hotel that AIDS could be cured and must be cured by urine therapy, I was unaware that some urine therapists had successfully tried this therapy on few AIDS patients in another part of the world. As mentioned by me earlier, Dr. Beatrice Bartnett and Margie Adel man were doing valuable research on urine therapy and had successfully treated few full-blown AIDS patients with it. I have received testimonials of several patients of African countries and U.S.A. that they have been immensely benefited by U.T.

Only a courageous and rebellious patient who does not want to go home quietly and die off without a fuss when told by the doctors that he/she is suffering from an "incurable disease" will undertake this therapy. And he/she will surely succeed if he/she takes the treatment systematically, under proper guidance and from the early stage before spoiling the case by any other treatments."

Here are a few stories of miserable AIDS patients that had appeared in the leading Indian newspapers, which I am narrating below:

(1) One doctor from south India who suffered from AIDS was admitted in one Govt. hospital. When the doctors and the staff members of the hospital came to know that the patient was an AIDS patient they refused to attend on him, and he was forced to go home.

(2) A patient was admitted in one of the Govt. hospitals when the doctors and the staff members of the hospital came to know that the patient was suffering from AIDS they refused to attend on him, leaving the patient to his fate unattended.

(3) A call-girl from Rajkot suffered from AIDS. This was reported in the newspapers. It was further mentioned that she must have passed on the AIDS virus to at least 300 men who might have visited her in the last few months. I had gone to Rajkot to give her guidance on U.T. I was told by the hospital authorities of Rajkot where she was treated, that the girl was first transferred to Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad and from there she was sent to her native place in Nepal, of course to die peacefully.

We don't have even the proper equipments in our country in sufficient numbers for the detection and diagnosis of this horrible disease. I can't imagine the situation when AIDS patients will multiply in the years to come.

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