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A Great Tip for BadBreath! Clean out those tonsil stones!
zen101 Views: 315,911
Published: 17 y

A Great Tip for BadBreath! Clean out those tonsil stones!

Hi, first I will start off with my great tip. I am a bb sufferer, and one day I was
waiting in line at the car wash and the lady in front couldn't get it started, and she asks me can you go tell them in the store its not working. She didnt even say it all that nice or even a please which was rude. I usually have a small piece of Trident in my mouth to cover bb. But this lady caught me off guard and I got out of my car knowing I was gonna blow some bb in that store. Sure enough when I go to speak some old guy at the counter covers his nose. I went home fed up thinking how unfair some old guy can have normal breath yet me in my 20's is the one with chronic bb. Now I have known about tonsil stones and checked a few times before and never saw any on my tonsils so I assumed I was free of them. But this time, I just sensed that stink breath was coming from my throat since I had really been trying to keep my mouth very clean. I was at my wits' end and so I started poking around my tonsil area with a dental tool, pushing my tonsil forward to see if anything white was behind it, and lo and behold sure enough I found white stuff! I was actually excited thinking I may have finally found the cause. I picked a few of these small nuggets out, like three. I smashed them in my finger tips it smelled like dog breath.

After I used a waterpik to flush out my tonsil area, and I looked down at the water I spit out and sure enough I saw a tonsil stone. It was exciting to me, then I tryed again and a big one came out, like half the size of a match head. It was extra stinky, smelled so strong like dog breath and a sulpheric chemical.

Well yesterday I was talking on the phone in the morning and it smelled strongly of stinky feet. I got fed up and started picking around my tonsils on the other side of my mouth. I discovered that right before your tonsils is a flap of skin, and behind it is a large crypt with lots of crypt holes. I thought gee isnt that great..more damn holes I have to worry about keeping clean. My dental pick got caught in the crypt and what do you know suddenly I see a tonsil stone on top of my pick. I smashed it and it stank like dog breath. I got the waterpik and flushed out that cavern, and four more stones came out. Now these "stones" are actually soft, like stinky plaque balled up, and my largest 2 ones were half the size of a match head. It just seems like something that any normal person could build up around that area so thats why I say to check and see if you have them! I put hydrogen peroxide in my waterpik with water and cleansed the area. Today I talked on the phone and felt like my breath was alot cleaner.

After getting so many of these stink stones out of my tonsil area, I will never look at dental hygiene the same. I just can't believe how many holes there are above your tonsils, behind them. Then that large crypt in front of them with many holes. You can barely see some holes in the front crypt if you use a dental pick tool but its kind of harsh on the tissue, or you can use a dental mirror and a flashlight but the mirror keeps fogging up and an easy way to defog it is to run it under water.

If you do find you have them, you should routinely flush out this area. I hope this helps and best of luck. My dental mirror constantly fogging up was a bummer, if you know a better way let me know , or any other tips I may have not mentioned about this would be nice.



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