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Mothers neck/shoulder pain disappears on the WATER CURE
-2tuff- Views: 1,992
Published: 20 y

Mothers neck/shoulder pain disappears on the WATER CURE

Mother's neck/shoulder pain disappears on the




It took me a long time to make my mother lower her tea drinking. I finally went all out and pushed her hard, buying her some Himalayan salt to help her go onto the Water Cure by Dr.Batmanghelidj. She'd cut a lot of tea out but she was still programmed thinking that tea was needed especially in the mornings.

One day she had been out all day and I had some Ozone water ready for her to drink. She didn't want it yet because she needed some food as she claimed she was hungry due to being out. I told her it was in her mind and not to worry but to drink the Ozone water and have a little extra water also. She tried it and got on with her household jobs (she never stops). I went on her PC and about 2 hours later she realised she still hadn't eaten but didn't need to either. This really changed her thinking for the better. This was just before I got her the Himalayan salt.

I received my Himalayan salt on Wednesday exactly 1 week ago now. I told her to take 1/2 tsp in the morning and 1/2 tsp 1 hour before bed. She was to drink 3 litres of water a day spread throughout the day. She did this and hasn't touched or craved tea since. On the 4th day I noticed straight away her eyes weren't dark like they usually were. I've checked her eyes since and the puffiness has disappeared also.

I got a Water Cure documentary video from off the internet and put it on a VHS video. I made her watch this video and as the list of ailments went up the screen she realised that her neck pain had gone and it must have gone around the 3rd day. She has suffered just before her cancer (6yrs ago) with neck pain and shoulder pain. She's got conditioned to the pain but theres nothing since the Water Cure has been adhered to. Also she has more manipulation of the neck and head. She's also found her shoulder hasn't given her hassle either.

I will report more when I get something to say. I should get two elderly women on this shortly, my aunty and hopefully my cousin. It's so hard trying to convince elderly that their ailment like Arthritis can be cured or seriously relieved. Its even harder when you tell them its just Water and Salt. Guess what? The one with Osteoarthritis is very acidic and doesn't drink Water, only Tea and also suffers from a Hietal Hernia just as the great Fereydoon explains in his book.



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