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Seven years on the watercure!
Russell Mariani Views: 12,248
Published: 21 y

Seven years on the watercure!

I have been using the watercure every day for over seven years. It has completely changed (as in improved) my life and health in countless ways. Within one month's time, all feelings of anxiety and Depression vanished, and have not returned. I had been plagued by periodic bouts of anxiety and Depression for over 20 years prior to learning about the watercure. Prior to my daily watercure habit, which started in January, 1997, I had passed a kidney stone in each of the previous summers; 1994, 1995, and 1996 and I am certain that I was on my way to kidney stone # 4 in the summer of 1997...but (I believe) thanks to the watercure, it never happened. I am a Health Educator and Nutrition Counselor. I've been in private practice since 1980. I have helped thousands of people over the years, but until 1997, something very important was missing from my long list of helpful and life-changing suggestions; the watercure! Now, it is among the very first things I educate people about. I have learned some very important "tricks" or "nuances" with the watercure, things that enhance the effectiveness of the watercure. Perhaps you already know these things: The water must be pure, the water must be warm, (not cold) (closer to body temperature not just room temperature!) the water must contain Seasalt , and the celtic Seasalt from the Grain and Salt Society is best. You must sip the water throughout the day, you must consume half your weight in ounces daily, and you must consume one quart (or close to it) as the very first thing you do each and every morning within the first hour of waking up. I would be happy to email you my two page watercure recipe document if you would like to see it. Please feel free to email me at

I am extremely grateful to Dr.B who had the patience and generosity of spirit to spend two hours on the phone with me back in January 1997, when I first heard about the watercure. I was desperate, but I was also skeptical. His calm assurances about the absolute necessity of being properly hydrated on a daily basis made absolute sense to me. I was shocked that no one I had ever studied with before, had figured this out as elegantly or as specifically as he had done. The rest as they say is history. Again, let me know if anyone wants my specific watercure recipe, and if you would like to see my watercure story entitled: Water: Is it in You?


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