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Re: how black programs are created/weapons
sunver Views: 39,864
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Re: how black programs are created/weapons

Hello my friend

We are not talking about the GOOD people who are trying to cure disease. We are talking about the evil Illuminists who are intent on implementing a global fascist dictatorship. All you need is your 'people' in key positions and you can do whatever you want.

It works like this... there are government programs in the United States called ''waived' unacknowledged special access programs', otherwise known as 'black' programs. 'Waived' means they get a free pass from Congressional oversight. Unacknowledged means they are 'deep black', or that their existence must always be denied under serious penalties. They are funded to a tune of $2trillion per year, and that does not include the money they CIA makes from drug running and child trafficking, which adds at least another $500-750billion to the bottom line. So we are talking in the $2-3 trillion per year ballpark which is 10-15% of total US GDP!! That's how much money is funding these domestic 'black' programs!!

Now what happens is when these 'black' programs are created, they are only reported to eight members of Congress, basically the ranking members of the defense and intelligence commitees. But 'they' don't tell them what the programs are for! 'They' being the ranking corrupt officials in the defense industry and military, aka the Illuminists. They can basically create whatever program they want and it gets funded. Half the time they don't even tell Congress so there is ZERO oversight. So they just tell a few Congressmen they are creating a new program called 'chemtrails' , they don't give any details, and this now gets funded from the DoD 'Black Budget' and now Lockheed and Northrop are salivating. We just got $2trillion for chemtrails! Now where does all the money go?

Well, what happens is there is a 'white' project which is created , sometimes a front company. For instance in chemtrails, one of the 'white' cover programs is the brand new 'KC-45A' aerial refueling tanker. If you listen to the radio or read the newspaper you have probably heard about this. Northrop/EADS and Boeing are in a cutthroat bidding war and the knives are out for SIX HUNDRED 'refueling' aircraft. SIX HUNDRED! You think our Air Force needs six hundred refueling aircraft? On top of the several hundred KC-135s? We only have twenty-five hundred total planes!! Think about it! This is obviously the 'white' program cover for the one of the many 'black' chemtrails spraying programs, because this project is VAST.

Another example: another one of the 'white' companies is Spirit Aerosystems, which was spun off from Boeing a few years ago. From what I can infer, Spirit is involved with the install of sprayer hardware on aircraft. But they also do alot of legitimate business that has nothing to do with chemtrails. In this sense, the 'white' program can cover a 'black' program, and no one blinks when there is a classified install on the night shift. For instance, the 'white' front company covers a 'black' subprogram, which will use people with TS:SCI clearences who are required to take lifestyle polygraph etc etc, and generally even these people have no idea what the hell they are working on. ie. The employees might know they are installing sprayers on aircraft but they don't know what its spraying, or be told some lie like its for combating global warming or other nonsense. Of course we know its really for spraying advanced nanotech for weather modification and population control.

Now I don't have details on Allergan, if you wish I can contact one of my people in biodefense and see if I can get some documents, as I said I believe its the senior leadership (as usual), generally NOT the employees, but I will tell you I can *prove* NIH (National Institutes of Health) is involved with domestic black programs. Does NIH do alot of good work? Yes! Are there alot of respectable good hearted scientists at NIH? You bet! Do some wonderful discoveries come out of the brilliant scientists at NIH? Yes! Does the government use restricted sections of NIH for offensive biological black programs? Without a doubt.

So you see its not absolute. They hide the 'black' programs behind the 'white' programs and there is literally trillions on the line for these advanced weapons systems.


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