Something to consider is that fasting slows down the metabolism and it can take 6 to 8 weeks to get back to normal and my guess is that you don't wanna go into a race with a slowed metabolism.
Fast weight loss is neither permanent nor healthy and the scale does not tell the complete story of what it is that you are losing whether it's fats or a good portion can be water weight and of course the emptying of your bowels. Anything over 2 weeks on the MC you've gotten some deep cleansing done and while you do continue cleansing throughout the fast everything keeps slowing down including the metabolism the longer you go.
You're way ahead of the game than most desperate dieters since you are exercising which keeps your metabolism up and you'll have a quicker recovery but it still remains that if you don't change the way you've been eating all the weight will come back albeit slower than someone who doesn't exercise, Think quality and balance and not calories or amount.
Because of the race I would say quit now and spend what time you have between now and then eating mostly raw and supplementing with good quality balanced oil like hemp that provides the ideal balance of essential fatty acids and add fresh made veggie juices daily to put back some mega nutrition and live enzymes in the system to regain and build back muscle tone/strength for athletic events. You might hafta supplement with proteins to help build muscle tone/strenght. If you do use protein powders be judicious and don't over do it as from what I've read they can be tough on the liver. I say you should also add resistance or weight training to help build strength.
No form of fasting was designed as a weight loss diet, period. The best way to loose weight is and will always be through balanced nutrition and exercise so both from the weight loss aspect and building strength for your event I would say your time will be more wisely spent training harder and eating a balanced diet. Loose the scale. As you train harder you will be building muscle and muscle weighs more than fat and also burns more fat.
Dont' use the tongue thing as a gauge. From personal experience and participating on this forum for 6 years +/- on and off I can tell you that very few people ever get the pink tongue at all.