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Re: Home remedy for cysts/abscesses
pheerulz Views: 263,353
Published: 17 y
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Re: Home remedy for cysts/abscesses

Holy crap, it worked? Sweet. Good! I did all the stuff that I could find and I have no idea which part of it worked, but something did and it went away sans lancing, draining, poking, needling and cathetoring. However..and this is awesome...I got one on the other side that happened so fast, I didn't have a chance to get all homeopathic up in here before it was far beyond the point of painful. Unfortunately I had to go into the doctor and make a horror show on his exam table. Yuck. I'm still on the lookout for the best things to do for this crap. I just read a forum that stated that Sabina or Silica 3xpotency twice a day for 3-4 weeks is supposed to help and that Bartholin's are a form of the body telling you that something else is going on in your life that needs less stress or something. I know I'm about as wound as a Timex, so this would not surprise me. These things are the worst, though. You to 3rd world starvation and genocide, Bartholin's are the devil. At least that's how it feels. Good luck to all with this crap and god speed!


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